
Wer fresh Lebensmittel sucht, muss diesen Dresdner Laden know

Wer fresh Lebensmittel sucht, muss diesen Dresdner Laden know

Großhändler Selgros in Dresden starts Super Happy Day on Samstag (24.8.) with 15 Prozent Rabatt auf Premium Fleisch, Fisch, Kleidung, Möbel and more.

Dresden – Ob in Sachen Kulinarik, Entertainment, Lifestyle or for the anstehenden Grill-Abend: Genießer and Professionals trust the mega Angebote¹ of Selgros.

Start at the Dresden and Radeburger Markt on Saturday (24.8.) of the big Super Happy Day with geese 15 Percent Discount on everything² – take note of the new Selgros App.

Please wait a moment until August 31st including Premium Fleischstücke wie Smash Rindfleisch Burger für only 0.89 Euro and fresh Schweinenackensteaks for only 0.69 Euro I 100 g.³

Here are all the actions in detail.

Starke Angebote at Super Happy Day am Samstag (24.8.) at Selgros in Dresden and Radeburg

Attention: The 15 Percent App Coupon is available in the new Selgros app.

Note: The 15 Percent App Coupon is available in the new Selgros app. © Selgros Cash&Carry

Were you happy with your Selgros, it’s time to get: A great experience with your wholesaler is a great opportunity to explore all your sins, with culinary highlights and unique products that are great for you.

By distributing the circulation of 60,000 articles, not many articles have appeared, which are one of the few finds at Selgros and the Leidenschaft for quality and freshness are new.

Thanks for your trip to Selgros in Dresden, we hope you will have a Super Happy Day on Samstag (24.8.) 15 Percent gift – and heavy on everything!²

So claps:

  • new Selgros App free download
  • Create an app account
  • Using App Benefits
  • 15 Prozent Rabatt-Coupon am Samstag (24.8.) an der Kasse vorzeigen
  • and save

>> To Selgros app for IOS.
>> Zur Selgros app for Android.

Important: The coupon is valid and now in der new Selgros App displayed.

Also make sure you make a profit from the products and get 15 percent on everything!²

The house-made Fleisch-Abteilung with the Dry Aged Beef Schrank is not cooked.

The house-made Fleisch-Abteilung with the Dry Aged Beef Schrank is not cooked. © Selgros Cash&Carry

In addition to the selection of all geniuses and professionals, there is a variety of food and non-food products.

From unparalleled meat dishes with Dry Aged Beef over a finished Vielfalt and fresh fish and fresh fruits, straight from the Gewässern dieser Welt, to its covering, Zubehör and Möbeln – at Selgros your eating experience is more than just a Besorgung.

Example: Until then August 31st come with Premium Fleisch zum Spitzenpreis in wahrsten Wortes full of the Genuss.

Most offers can be found in the following slider:

Premium Fleisch zum Spitzenpreis in Angebot

Aktuell is a Fleisch-Liebhaber at Selgros the unmistakable taste of true Fleisch-Specialits. These cans are all by their fresh, fresh and qualitative properties.

The appropriate Angebote for the next culinary Meisterwerk:

Bridging: The prices are low i am 100 grams and only for commercial purposes.

Nor mehr Angebote im Prospekt

Click on the image and during activation the Offers-stöbern.

Click on the image and during activation of the Angebote-stöbern. © Selgros Cash&Carry

Here are the Shopping Deals

The Großhändler Selgros strives for Vielfalt, Qualität and Frische.

The Großhändler Selgros strives for Vielfalt, Qualität and Frische. © Selgros Cash&Carry

SELGROS Cash & Carry Dresden
Dohnaerstraat 190
01239 Dresden

Opening hours:

Mon – Fri: 6am to 9pm
Sat: 7am to 8pm

SELGROS Cash & Carry Radeburg
Pfalz Allee 2
01471 Radeburg

Opening hours:

Mon – Fri: 6am to 9pm
Sat: 7am to 8pm

¹If everyone acts, it is a Net Debt

² offered Werbepreise, individual discounts, price reductions and price-related goods, tobacco products, leather goods, transport equipment, tank goods and craft materials. No others with Aktionen/Aktionspreisen combination bar. Nur gültig am 24. 08. 2024 with the new Selgros App. Abzug directly at the Rechnung. Enjoy the Abholung in the Selgros Markets!

³All Angebote and Angebotsmengen are free. All in euros offer prices for wholesale (Gebindeabnahme) and nur gültig at Selbstabholung. Verkauf inheritance nur an Wiederverkäufer, gewerbliche Verbraucher und Unternehmer im Sinne des § 14 BGB. Gold-plated price for Tobacco Products for Tobacco Products. Gültig für Selgros-Märkte.

Es gilten die Liefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen der Transgourmet Deutschland GmbH & Co. OHG