
American superstar Simone Biles has left the German handball player

American superstar Simone Biles has left the German handball player

Superstar power KEIN Photo with unseren Jungs

Outsch! American superstar Simone Biles has left the German handballer


Renars Uscins and Juri Knorr cashed a Korb in Paris.


At Essen it really isn’t that bad!

If this Grundregel is gilded at the Olympic Village, the German handballer must feststellen schmerzvoll at the Olympic Games in Paris. Photos have been taken with gymnast Simone Biles, who shows Jungs a Korb.

“Weren so dreist, nach einem Foto zu fragen”

The matches with big international sports stars are among other things Olympia-Teilnehmer highlights. The German handballer has also in the Olympic Village in Paris so one. If you meet gymnast Simone Biles – and get the little souvenir hunters. First of all without success.

“We are the leader in the affected person and it was so difficult, after a photo of the fragment, that it was not yet so. Then we have received a basket”Verrät DHB-Shootingstar Renars Uscins in an interview with the sportbild.

Simone Biles at the Summer Olympics in Paris.

Simone Biles has no desire for photos.

This 22-year anniversary was completed in Team College Juri Knorr gewesen, der Biles nach einen Bild gefragt habe. If you do not use the Rückraumspieler, you will not be warned. “The others have said that that can happen, but it doesn’t work. Since we have had enough experiences, Juri has been blessed.” But that’s not true!

Handballer brings silver medal and korb with nach Deutschland

When Parkett appeared on the day, he was so afraid of our younger Jungs. Proud of the bitter final Schlappe, Knorr, Uscins and Co. of the Deutschen Handballbund protected the great success of the young Schichte with Silver during the Olympia-Silber 2004 in Athens, the WM-Triumph 2007 in their own country during the EM-Coup 2016. After life begins in humans, the medal is not one of the only problems that arise, but from the French Hauptstadt Mitbringen. (pol)