
Kurz-News August: Kunterbuntes aus den Gemeinden im Bezirk Weiz

Kurz-News August: Kunterbuntes aus den Gemeinden im Bezirk Weiz

Will come to our online update about the cultural honor in Bezirk Weiz! Here we stop with the new Kurzmeldungen über Ausstellungen, Veranstaltungen and natural Ereignisse regional Vereine and Kulturgruppen on the Laufenden.

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The Swedish Ausflug of the Ortsgruppe Labuch-Ungerdorf went into the Schone Waldviertel. | Photo: Seniorenbund

Escape to the Waldviertel

In short, it enables you Ortsgruppe Labuch-Ungerdorf des Seniorenbundes on a Two days off in the Lower Austrian Waldviertel. Dabei war that first Station der Waldlandhof in Oberwaltenreith. Dieser Waldlandhof is a community of 1000 bäuerlichen betrieben, the diversified products, another Heilkräuter, wie zum Beispiel Johanniskraut, Mariendistel, aber auch Schnittlauch, markets. An interesting part of the art of bäuerlichen Arbeit gab danach a filmvorführung and anschließender rundgang through the business. In the Hofladen you can enjoy Öle, Schnäpse, Kräutersalze und Köstlichkeiten aus Mohn.

Midday continued in the Mohndorf Armstroke, Wed the Travelers who brought the Entstehungsgeschichte des Mohnanbaus and thessen Verarbeitung näher. That’s it Motto of the Ausflugs “Mohnblüte rounded um Retz” lautete, lived in nature in the Waldviertler Mohnhotel übernachtet.

Nach dem Frühstück goes nach Back. Here is a city and a Kellerführung. With the city development, the development history of the city of Retz and the most important construction work would be completed. Nach dem Mittagessen was about Wien wieder zurück in Styria. The gemütlichen Abschluss goes to “BB1” in Bad Waltersdorf.

Johann Klingbacher is the new Ehrenbürger von St. Radegund. | Photo: zVg

St. Radegund hat is a new Ehrenbürger

In the Gemeinde St. Radegund near Graz you will conduct research into Freude: Johannes Klingbacher, A Mann, who has remained unnoticed for a year for the Wohl van de Gemeinschaft, would be his first Ehrenbürger-ernannt. The community is working on a reusable service and his long involvement in the region.

The decision, Klingbacher this high to seduce, fiel einstemmig. The official supervision of the Ehrenbürgerurkunde is aimed at performing all occurring Pfarrfestes, that is one of the high points of the Gemeindebens.

Mayor Hannes Kogler It is not that there is not a single moving ode to Hans Klingbacher’s Lebensleistung. “Sein ehrenamtlicher Einsatz that our community is engaged and accomplished,” Kogler said. Unter Klingbachers Führung bluhte der ÖKB municipal association to one of the active groups in Styria. There are indications that this is not the case Renovation and Neueinweihung zahlreicher Quellen am Quellenweg – a project, it is the border of the Gemeinde with Beachtung fans.

Not less impressive is Klingbacher’s Engagement ecclesiastical area. Since 2022, the parish council has been leading and has made great strides in the construction of the new parish. Thanks to the initiative, the project could be completed and made cost-efficient. The new parish looks like the meeting point and the investment treatment.

The Pfarrfest event can produce the following results: a new main “Handlungsbevollmächtigte” is developed – Daniela Thosold-Kraus übernimmt kan de Verwaltung des Seesorgeraums, während Johann Krenn the pastoral Seesorge leiten wird. A feierliche Kräutersegnung und die Segnung des neu restaurierten Kreuzes at the Kriegerdenkmal, the costs are great from Gitti Brandl übernemen wurden, rundeten die Feierlichkeiten ab.

A more “Staffelübergabe” and in the Pfarrgemeinderat statt: Hans Klingbacher übergab nach zweieinhalb Jahren den Vorsitz and Christian Johann Freisinger, We are looking forward to seeing you again with your feedback on the next page.

The Gleisdorf pensioners' association goes to Baden in the summer arena. | Photo: zVg

Visit to the Sommerarena Baden

Kürzlich besuchten 72 Mitglieder und Freunde des Pensionist associations Gleisdorf with two buses to sechsten Mal in Folge the Baden Summer Arena. Organized by Fritz Gütl and supported by Monika Frener stand that is one of the brightest and most impressive Strauss Operettas “Vienna Blood” am Program.

That wetter is there, that is the day of the Summer Arena after one course Gewitter geöffnet blieb. In Baden the group itself. Some of the life is unusual in the summer arena of Baden, from other powers that make a bad impression during the schöne Innenstadt with many local and coffee users.

Cultural referee Fritz Gütl is organizing neither in October Exhibition of the “Himmlischen Tenöre” in Kunsthaus Weiz With a welcome stay at the Jufa-Hotel anyway Gala concert in Grazer Stefaniensaal with the Vienna Johann Strauss Orchestra.

If you wish, you will receive good advice during the year to help organize your cultural interests.

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