
Youfreen: More on Bauchgefühl hören

Youfreen: More on Bauchgefühl hören

In the series ‘Durchstarten’ we introduce young people and share Macher with his business idea. Dieses Mal iN market article 8/2024: the Hamburg start-up Youfreen, the production of special products for children and young people.

That’s me:
I am Anna Fleck, founder and managing director of Youfreen. Before its founding, I was Head of Operations at a Hamburg self-publishing company and have been responsible for over 200 publications per month. With Youfreen, I launched the first natural product range for tweens and teens in 2021.

That is the Geschäftsidee meines Unternehmens:
There are natural production products for tweens – which are in English for adults – and teenagers. Children often enter puberty, while hormonal activities begin before they start. In the history of youth I had noticed that the Verunsicherung Herrscht, the Thema Pubertät was, at some point on the Auswahl a suitable, perhaps the best deodorant for children and teenagers. There is a large natural cosmetics market offered on the market for babies and grandchildren and for adults, besides the tweens and teenagers there is no one. The Zielgruppe is no longer interested in the purchase of Dinos and Prinzessinnen in the packaging, nor of a reduced design or of Kräuterdüften. This marketplace was created and so the idea for Youfreen was born: natural production products for tweens and teenagers. I can with my Marke Heranwachsende in a positive story with my Körper the best and thus for more self-determination and Wohlbefinden sorgen

That has brought me my Geschäftidee:
If mommy herself has noticed teens and teenagers, this is not a suitable solution for my children to find. It may be that there are natural substances in the device. Children and teens can use more natural substances, including in cooking – the way of synthetic dust clouds uses inhaled substances and natural, fresh substances.

That was my bislang great follow-up:
If you want to buy more products in the online store, you can help the Drogerie Müller of our idea and products. Soon we will have an inheritance list in the branches in Germany. Zunächst with the deodorants, jetzt or with the Duschgels. Darauf bin ich under the stolz.

You do not pay the costs brand article-Newsletter with Allen Neuigkeiten. Subscribe now – don’t forget to change anything!

That is my bislang largest recovery:
The fitting partner for the production of products that you can find, is war and is no longer safe. Here is no question of an expertise, but of one of the Zwischenmenschliche: Do we fit in the communication together, vergeht my Gegenüber my Vision and how rightly Lust die Reise with my gemeinsam anzutreten? It is my passion, when I get started with an idea, then the seriousness of the matter is not greater. In the Solchen Fallen-hilft is the mirror, my own vision has not become shorter and so long it remains so, but it is over.

That was my bisher biggest learning:
More on Bauchgefühl zu hören. Youfreen has started with a packaging design that will make war no longer possible. Aus Zeitgründen habe ich mich aber dafür and habe diese Entscheidung after a year wieder zurückgenommen and das Design nor a complete complete whole. I have learned more than my Bauchgefühl should hear and my Fehler einzugestehen and these should beheben.

In the past, where the Vorbilder and the Geldgeber sent, the Brand Articles of Start-ups were learning and Start-ups were of established Brand Articles, where they were here at Theme Start-ups Nachholbedarf and were of the Political Wishes, read the full interview in market article 8/2024. Here’s how to order.

More information about the ‘Durchstarten’ series

  1. No future music

  2. Can you stand on the standard – and most Marken too

  3. For some a Müll, for others a Schatz

  4. Stur will purchase Designklassiker für die Küche

  5. The lake road goes

  6. “Lebe nicht Erwartungen Anderer, sondern die eigenen Ideale!”

  7. “With a clear vision, anything can be achieved!”

  8. “The most important learning? A serious soul festival!”

  9. Etepetete: “It’s a pleasure to have a good time, a good meal for the rest”

  10. Artoui: “Die Welt braucht weniger Berater, mehr Macher!”