
Record temperatures and forest fires in Griechenland and Southern Europe

Record temperatures and forest fires in Griechenland and Southern Europe

Auch in this summer since in Greece, Italy, Albania, Rumänien, Bulgari, der Türkei and others südosteuropäischen Ländern with Waldbrände ausgebrochen.

Fast 10,000 Hektar überwiegend bewaldetes Land burnt im Nordosten Attika bei a Feuer, das am 11. August im Dorf Varnavas ausbrach, 30 km northeast of the Greek capital Athen.

Flammen zerstören ein Fahrzeug im Norden Athens, August 12, 2024 (AP photo/Aggelos Barai)

Angered by strong winds and high temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius, an over 25 meter high flame wall spread within a radius of 30 km to the South and reached the northern regions of Vororte von Athen, Nea Penteli, Patima Halandriou and Vrilissia – now 14 km from the center der Hauptstadt entfernt.

It is since 1981 that a fire has arisen in a city area in the Outskirts of Athens. The region of Attica was shrouded in black smoke. The Hellenic Society for Pneumology does not free people with lung and heart problems from gehen.

The Fire War of the region in the Attica region since 2009, as pretty much 13,000 Hektar Waldfläche burned. Letztes Jahr has been the largest fire in the European Union since 2000 in Griechenland. In the Evros region in Nordgriechenland near the Turkish Border, 90,000 Hektar Landfläche is being managed. 18 Flüchtlinge kamen in de Flammen ums Leben.

In the background of the death fires, people are evacuated, while patients and soldiers are a children’s hospital and a military hospital, both in the mountainous Penteli. One of the 65-year-long work in the bath of an expanded factory in Patima Chalandrio has begun, which Schutz focuses on. The war lasted 20 years in the factory.

Der Brand wütete more as 40 Stunden lang, Feuerwehrleute löschten noch drei Tage später die Reste des Feuers. Der Brand führte zu umfangreichen Stromausfällen, nachdem lessestens 120 Strommasten beschädigt were.

The sunning household of Bränden in Greece is a sequence of climatic hikes, the temperature of which is high. The months of June and July those years were the highest beginning of the delivery. The temperature is quickly 40 degrees Celsius or can last so long that Europe in the summer of the Rule has become.