
Taucher-schips nach Bootsunglück voor Palermo fünf Leichen

Taucher-schips nach Bootsunglück voor Palermo fünf Leichen

Such an action began sich Taucher, which began in 2012 before the Italian Insel Giglio had sunk the Kreuzfahrtschiff Costa Concordia. The “Bayesian” lie on the page in 50 Metern Tiefe was such an action, which the Palermo Fire Brigade reported. Zahlreiche Obstacles blocked the road and the one Räume behind it.

If you make such mistakes, the Taucher am Mittwoch technical support is defective. So there is a way to set up a robot robot, the objects and structures can no longer be performed. If one of the 200 meters has a problem with the Palermo kitchen troubleshooting in a press session with. The robot robot is friendlier than video cameras, which are no longer needed in such an action.

A board of schiffes is formed by British technology entrepreneur Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah. Lynch war in June in the US by the American company releasing a software firm with autonomy. Ihm were different from other people, the Umsatz seines Unternehmens falsch angegeben zu haben. The “Sunday Times” estimated the power of the current taxpayers of the British government at around 587 million euros.

If the program for the kitchen accessories is used, 15 people are received, eight of the first things that are done in the Krankenhäuser. Under the war of a British family with a smaller family, she can still exist. The 50 meter long ship with 22 people on board was sunk at 5.00 o’clock in front of Porticello near Palermo. The protection of the patrol boats of the coast guard and the fire brigade is restored, with the control of it.

A plate of the “Bayesian”, who dies under the British flag during the war, is mainly British, a Neuseeländer, a Mann from Sri Lanka, two Anglo-Franzosen and an Irish. Firefighters retteten einjährigen Buben, der in de Kinderkrankenhaus von Palermo were brought. The overloads are taken care of medically.

It is unclear, how the Schiff seemed to be anchored at the turbulent weather relations a half before the coast. The capital of “Bayesian”, James Catfield, who swears by the autumn in the government bonds, will be defrauded for a long time. The Kapitän painted the dramatic moments of the Schiffsuntergangs.