
Museum – Hamburger 3D-Trickart-Museum an neuem Standort gutstartet – Kultur

Museum – Hamburger 3D-Trickart-Museum an neuem Standort gutstartet – Kultur

Hamburg (dpa) – The Hamburg Museum “Mindways 3D Trickart” can visit the Altstadt at the beginning of summer during the summer and the angel dance. All in the first two weeks between 5000 and 7000 people came, such as founder Carsten Dierks of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Hamburg. In one year there have become about 150,000, so the hope of Dierks and his partner Peer Pubben. The Museum has been open since 2018 in Hammerbrook and in the Hamburger Meile in Barmbek-Süd. Further Trickart Museums with this Duo, the European rights and the photos of the Japanese 3D artists Masashi Hattori are available in Rostock and in Berlin.

In the two floors of the Museums you can use Besucherinnen and Besucher with your hands and with a little bodywork Einsatz and Schauspielkunst spectacular Abenteuerfotos of themselves. Balancing on a Schornstein der Hamburger Innenstadt, a Wasserfall in a Ruderboot heruntersausen, flying for a Dinosaur, in a Glaskugel was made: Thanks for the right Perspective there are those 35 teils meterhohen Hattori-Werke as final 3D-Aufnahmen of rasanten Erlebnissen; People became almost self-sufficient in Art.

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