
Rauchen can surrender to the Schwangerschaft in the kind of way they develop

Rauchen can surrender to the Schwangerschaft in the kind of way they develop

These problems can occur with the healthy problems of the nose born, who have a notwendige beat after the origin, the atemnotsyndrom, the origin in the neonatal intensive care unit, vermutete sepsis, problems or neurological side effects. It is a fact that the risks for the nose born, and more as one of the problems in Leiden, um 27 Perzent erhöht war, when the mumbling for the Schwangerschaft geraucht and a 31 to 32 Perzent, if you die, während sie schwanger war. If a relatively lower tobacco consumption is, with a pair of Cigarettes for a Tag that defines, the risks for the Beeinträchtigungen is still significant. If you more than 20 times Cigretten pro Tag that solves the problem for the general problem when washing on round 30 Perzent, is the whole year through the effort taken.

Those authorities show, it is a research that is being carried out and that there can be no other consequences for its consequences. With this phenomenon of second-hand tobacco products, if also Rauch has the highest or the best way of life, it is attempted that the Forschenden no longer come to the attention. Dennoch kommen as zum Schluss, it is a small time period that the pregnancy money, and the Rauchen sicher ware – never more than that, if the desire for children is the best. If you use concrete, this is also not the case when carrying out the Rauchprävention on everyone.