
Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 08:01 Kremsucht openbar, Russians auf “neue Realität” vorzubereiten +++

Ukraine-Krieg in Live Ticker: +++ 08:01 Kremsucht openbar, Russians auf “neue Realität” vorzubereiten +++

The Ukrainian anger at the Kursk suggested a re-examination for the Moscow propaganda. The region still does not look, there is a Kreml-naher-partner of a non-hanging Russian Portal Meduza with Sitz in Riga. “But schon das Eindringen in the Russian Territories and the control over the control is a new and an unacceptable Ereignis.” If you the Mood, the inzwischen deutlich ärstlicher sei as before the Kursk invasion, schneller berehige, versuche der Kreml, the Russians on the life in a “new reality” and a “new normal” vorzubereiten. The Tenor dabei: The Feind is tatsächlich in the Russian Territory eingedrungen, is steht kurz vor der Niederlage – aber the Rückgabe des Territoriums wird Brauchen, and the Russians müssen warten. In Zwischenzeit würden de Einwohner aufgefordert, “the negative and the shock in a positive direction of lenken” – namlich by the Einsammeln von Hilfsgütern for the Kursk Region. Generell since all of Meduza officials are present, that the Kampfe in der Region Kursk more Monate dauern können. One of the surviving relatives of the directing partner is that this einschätzung “is lawful – if everything is correct”.

+++ 07:30 Russian Governor investigates fire in military facility +++
Russian Behörden bestätigen Berichte, wonach in the southern Russian region Volgograd a military instruction after a Ukrainian Drohnenangriff in Brand geaten ist. Regional Governor Andrej Bocharow talked about Telegram with the Drohne in the Anlage gestürzt. It is not possible to do anything. Bocharow was relieved of the war that affected the military. It is clear that Dorf Marinowka’s Angriff is about getting better. Dort unterhält Russia a Luftwaffenstützpunkt.

+++ 06:56 Ex-Sicherheitsberater: Putin hates quick hypnotic einfluss on Trump +++
After US General Herbert Raymond McMaster appointed the sole US Secretary of State, Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin manipulated US President Donald Trump. This report comes from McMaster’s book “At War With Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House”, as the report from “Guardian”. “Putin, a scrounger and a malicious KGB man, has worked with swindlers on Trump’s ego and his insecurity”, demnach McMaster painted. So Putin has created Trump a “a completely rebellious, talented person without any doubts”. It is possible that the credit chief has a quick hypnotic influence on Trump. McMaster, who worked as a security advisor for the Trump work for a year, warned the damals after his own fear of Putin: “Herr President, is the best liar in the world.” There has been a long time that Putin has become aware of the fact that Trump is “playing” by using a vault of sanctions and a billion dollars in US aid from Syria and Afghanistan.

Erfolgreich umworben: Putin stopped with Trump at the G-20 Gipfel in July 2017. Erfolgreich umworben: Putin stopped with Trump at the G-20 Gipfel in July 2017.

Erfolgreich umworben: Putin stopped with Trump at the G-20 Gipfel in July 2017.

(Photo: Evan Vucci/AP/dpa)

+++ 06:20 Report about Fire at the Russian Flugplatz in Volgograd +++
In the Russian city of Kalach in the Volgograd region, messages are more explosions in the air at night. Whoever writes in different Russian Telegram channels, this one is openly resounding on a drone. On a nearby airport, it is a mark that is noticed. The Volgograd region is located about 900 kilometers south of Moscow. The anger is strongly associated with the air base Marinowka in the village of Oktjabrskij, located 20 kilometers from Kalach on the Danube. When they come out of the messages, the anger of the outbursts of anger becomes so great that explosions occur, thus displaying the characteristic features of drones, which is even more so with Telegram.

+++ 05:44 Klingbeil: Germany jumps to the new Ukraine-Hilfen does not fall in +++
SPD chief Lars Klingbeil sichert der Ukraine weitere Unterstützung zu. Sollte is nicht, the Milliardenerträge from the eingefrorenen Russian Power that plant of the Ukraine zur Verfügung zu set, became Deutschland with sisterätzlichen Mitteln einspringen, sagt is in Podcast of the stellvertretenden “Bild” chefs Paul Ronzheimer. The fact that punk no longer existed was said: “Jetzt ist kein Geld more da für die Ukraine.” In dem Fall “sind wir natürlich in der Pflicht, in Deutschland zu gucken, wo da Geld herkommt”, so Klingbeil. “An accountability has arisen in Ukraine. Most of the loans have been financed and the discovery has then been made.”

+++ 04:27 Ukraine opens to Drohnenangriffen in Russia +++
The Ukrainian Military Secret Service HUR went to the Drohnenangriffe in Russia during the night. If you found the Moskauer Flughafen Ostafyevo, the Luftwaffenstützpunkt Millerovo in the Rostow region, a good funkcommunikations center, HUR chief Kyrylo Buda now says about the military site “The War Zone”. Seems etwa 50 Drohnen beteiligt gewesen. When and when we ended up abroad, it was not yet achieved. Russian Behörden hatten am Morgen redactieet, man habe 45 Drohnen über russischem Staatsgebiet abgeschossen.

+++ 03:09 Regional Wahlen in Russia: Schutzwesten and Helme für Wahlhelfer in Kursk +++
If the regional regional waves are played in the Russian border area of ​​Kursk, Russia will equip the Wahlhelfer with Schutzwesten and Helmen. If you want to use a similar Wahllokale in other country settings, in the person from the region, you say the regional Wahlkommission, Tatjana Malachowa, has used the Russian news agencies. In the region, official Ausnahmezustand is rehearsed. From 6. to 8. September, Russian Wahlen are announced in several regions. The Governor and regional parliaments were selected. The central Wahlleitung in Moscow has a great influence, the citizen in the border area will earn a large amount of money, in the region of Kursk, Belgorod and Bryansk.

+++ 01:34 Fico fühlt sich außenpolitisch under “Meinungsdruck” setzt +++
The Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico complains about one of his empfunden-meinungsdruck in the Western Demokratien. If one of the political fragments of this einheitsmeinung deviates, the Western democracy becomes “a pressure-set and with isolation saddened”, he is in an analysis of the years of the Mosque invasion of 1968 enlightened by the Stellungnahme Ficos. Therein Fico compares the violent lowering of the “Prager Frühlings” 1968 by troops of the Warsaw Pact with his view of the best Meinungsdruck in modern Europe. Fico has enabled the EU-Waffenhilfe for the Ukraine to develop and to see that other people have come out of their country in the last century.

+++ 00:12 Ukraine zählt 46 Russian Angriffe nahe Pokrowsk within a Tages +++
The Ukraine verzeichnet eigenen Angaben zufolge 46 Russian Angriffe in Laufe des Tages entlang der Front nahe der Stadt Pokrowsk in Osten des Landes. Davon seien 44 zurückgeschlagen be, teilt der Generalstab mit. Stand 21 o’clock MESZ was an overcrowded two Abschnitten noch kampftft. When it comes to 238 Russian soldiers, things get spoiled. To enjoy the Ukrainian side, no Angaben was allowed. Eine Stellungnahme Russlands liegt nicht vor.

+++ 23:09 Russia: Ukrainian Vorstoß nach Bryansk prevents +++
Russia seizes after owning Angaben das Eindringen Ukrainian “Saboteure” in the Kursk-bordering Russian Grenzregion Bryansk. The end rings of the “Ukrainian Aufklärungs-Sabotage-Gruppe” come from the Russian Secret Service FSB, which is being hindered by the Russian army by the Governor of Bryansk, Alexander Bogomaz, at Telegram. “Der Feind wurde durch Schüsse” continues. Die Lage is mittlerweile “unter Kontrolle”.

+++ 22:15 Selenskyj: Ukraine will pay for billions of dollars +++
Ukraine has the words of President Wolodymyr Selensky on the foolish allocation of the billions of dollars received from the West, which were also to be financed from the deposits of Russian state assets. It will probably have been a number of political issues of the partner countries, but Selenskyj probably got into the whole video challenge. “But we need a real mechanism.” Ukraine benefits from the assets of Russia for defense against the aggressor Russia. “The discussions would take a long time, and will eventually lead to separation.” The large Western industrial states (G7) are busy with their summit in June to decide on a new financial situation for Kiev. A larger credit of 50 billion dollars will disappear through the introduction of a Russian loan.

+++ 21:52 Putin began trade negotiations with China +++
Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin praised the intimate operation with China. “Our trade interests are developing hereditarily (…). The conscientiousness that both governments have in trade and economic interests is bearing fruit,” Putin said during a meeting with Chinese government chief Li Qiang in Kremlin. China and Russia have “outsourced major English joint plans and projects in the economic and humanitarian area” to the benefit of Putin’s fortress. If you involve the Kremlin, the Sino-Russian approach of a “miracle high level” is possible. The strategic partner of Russia and China can perish the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For Russia, China is one of the Western sanctions a central trading partner.

+++ 21:20 Bitte abgelehnt: Russia’s Ex-Vize-Verteidigungsminister bleibt in U-Haft +++
The unter Corruptionsverdacht stehende frühere Russian Vize-Verteidigungsminister Dmitry Bulgakow bliebt in Untersuchungshaft. Seine Bitte um Entlassung in stronger Hausarrest and signal Einspruch gegen the U-Haft seien abgewiesen, reports the Staatsagentur TASS. The Bulgarian war for the seine navigation for the material civilization of the Russian Streitkräfte verantwortlich. Das Gericht in Moskau ordnetezudem Untersuchungshaft gegen zwei mutmaßliche Komplizen Bulgakows an. Bulgakow’s company has found a new Aufträge in 2022 and 2024. The damage amounts to 50 Million Rubles (approximately 500,000 Euros).

+++ 21:00 Ukraine strengthens Einheiten in Pokrowsk +++
Ukraine has begun with the Darstellung of President Wolodymyr Selensky in his struggle in the fierce umkämpften region Pokrowsk in the East of the country. Man wisse, were the Russian Truppen who were in a Fernsehansprache. The Ukrainian Vorstoß in the Russian Oblast Kursk continues, so Selenskyj. One man controls a certain area. Einzelheiten nennt Selenskyj nicht.

+++ 20:41 Nach Dekret: Zahlreiche Ukrainianr in Ungarn müssen Flüchtlingsunterkünfte verlassen +++
After the ink signing of one of the credits in Hungary, the Ukrainian refugees are a general Schutzbeddigkeit-abspricht, whereby the Ukrainian aid in case of losses can be used. Private involvement of refugee support has begun, Ukrainian expatriates, part of the Organization Migration Aid mit. In Kocs north of Budapest, about 120 refugees must leave a guest house under the supervision of the police. If most of the trade is with a Roma woman and child from the western region of Transcarpathia, it is a large minority prize.

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