
Habeck is equipped with Haushaltskompromiss

Habeck is equipped with Haushaltskompromiss

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Grüne) has taken charge of the main operations of the Bundesregierung. “It was a good idea, the Haushalt with a Deckungslücke von zwei Prozent, also rund new Milliarden zu abschieden,” said the Minister of Federal Economics about the Zeitungen der Funke Mediengruppe. The previous deck of 12 billion euros hinges »eher unüblich«. We would like to make good use of it, but it will also be “neither gelungen, it will be reduced”, like Habeck.

There is a suspicion that the end of the parliamentary session is getting smaller. Habeck goes home, the house has a vernacular. There are critical remarks, the part of the kitchen of the house in the summer break is a problem. When the Minister of Finance Christian Linder was not by name, he said: “So a prelude always leads to that, that someone could lose sight or have to take his interpretation back.”

SPD leader Saskia Esken was one of the main characters in the Deutschlandfunk »schwer erträglich«. The Haushaltsentwurf is a problem and man has never had more trouble. »Insofern where the debate becomes bigger than the topic«, said the SPD party chairwoman. It is a question of a parliament and a man who wants the Gestaltung of Gesetzen women.

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