
Regional and new Ernährungsgeohhnheiten – Bauernzeitung

Regional and new Ernährungsgeohhnheiten – Bauernzeitung

The product with the Gütesiegel “Qualität Tirol” is a fixing ingredient of regional Wertschöpfung.

Slow Food, a healthy and regional cuisine is in all worlds – for example fast food, convenience products, outside home insurance and cheap all-you-can-eat. Who buys these additional passes, says an information installation of Forum Land Innsbruck. District manager Thomas Danzl thinks: “Which regional points have clearly noticed the corona pandemic. What can be achieved with resilience and innovation in this area, said our referees very clearly. “

“Der Vertrieb regionaler Product unterstützt and sichert die kleinestrukturierte Berglandwirtschaft. Damit übernehmen wir soziale Verantwortung and leisten einen morewert für die Region“, so Simon Wolf, Geschäftsführer of Tiroler Bauernprodukte GmbH, a relatively young community of agricultural marketing Tyrol and Bioalpin.

Power bundles

With a professional transport team, more flexible logistics and more than 20 years, this experience can be carried out. Consider the additional costs for the 700 Tiroler Bauern. „If the Landwirt sollte man could concentrate on the production. It is possible to view sales and sales of own products. Make sure you incur high costs. “We can continue to work together without having to worry about the power,” Wolf explains.

Entstanden is thus a reichhaltiges Angebot of the small structured Berglandwirtschaft, das 380 articles omfasst. Die Bauernprodukte GmbH offers logistics, professional and professional products. The retail store is available for all customers, grocery stores and convenience suppliers. “Das Potenzial in diesem Reich ist noch sehr groß. While the project is being launched and sold, the products and bed design can no longer be used. Regionalität sollte vor allem in Großküchen, die von öffentlichen Geldern finanziert, een gesamtgesellschaftliches Anliegen sein“, so Wolf abschließend.

Matthias Mayr from the Lebensmittelinnovationszentrum aus is familiar with the trends. “Foodtrends gibt is who Sand am Meer. Aktuell has a larger theme. These hikes in the Laufe der Zeit and their natural location in Stein geeißelt“, erklärt Mayr.

Plant-based food is played in the Lebensmittelindustrie and Rolle. Pflanzen were made from new products with a vegan bottle alternative or hafermilch. Zunehmend wichtiger wird auch kultiviertes Fleisch.

Trend and countertrend

In gastronomy, which prefers vegan and vegetarian dishes, it will no longer be a “Beiwagerl” zum Fleisch. The “planetary health diet” is one of the most important studies that have been done, the focus is on most of the time.

“It’s exciting, that’s just Trends and always Gegentrends there. Mittlerweile gibt es dezidierte Fleischliebhaber, sogenannte ‘carneficionades’. Der Fokus lies about the fact that the Fleisch person has a better quality with demented breathing and haltung than him, so Mayr.

Auch in Tirol is a matter of innovation. Das Farmlab, as part of the Lebensmittel-Innovationszentrums Tirol, focuses on the development of innovation in the field of cultivation and agriculture. These are the projects for winter gems, bach-saibling, colorful egg alternatives, and special features.

– Sources –

  • Wertschöpfungsstudie 2023 1: AMT

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