
Hanf trifft High-Tech: Natur-Erlebniswelt starts with innovative cannabis production im …

Hanf trifft High-Tech: Natur-Erlebniswelt starts with innovative cannabis production im …

Nature Erlebniswelt GmbH

Hanf Trifft High-Tech: Nature Adventure World Starts Innovative Cannabis Production in High Cube"


Hanf trifft High-Tech: Die Natur-Erlebniswelt GmbH with Sitz in Aschheim (Lkr. Munich) has responded to the increasing Nachfrage nach Cannabis-Stecklingen in Großraum Munich. With a 25 square meter large and new tonnage Anbau-Container “Maximus” from the slow Herstellers Hitec Grow sro (Bratislava), Germany’s largest Hanfladen professional in Monat will erzew 6,000 Stecklinge. “The computer-generated Prototyp will continue to improve the quality and security of the cannabis industry and the documentation of the products,” says Wenzel Cerveny, Gründer der Einzelhandelskette, Vorsitzender des Cannabis Verbandes Bayern (CVB) and Vorstand des Anbauvereins Chillout-Club Aschheim, do a presentation for journalists in Aschheim.

“If today’s modern Anbau containers develop into the grim production of cannabis products in the region. Our vision is to produce high-quality Stecklinge,” says Wenzel Cerveny.

“We set up a measuring rod. The grow container is the future of controllable cannabis production”, says the cannabis pioneer. The previous “Maximus Ever Green 40 HQ” container is placed in a package for the production of cannabis cuttings. After the research into the generation of the growers, the first container was equipped with another container system for the waiting phase of cannabis production, for the blue phase that followed for the next Trocknung. Another module is intended for the use of the Club Mitglieder installation. The modular construction is one of the most important examples: The container is mobile and modularly built in. The transport and the bed can be carried out more easily. The container system is inherited by Cerveny, which has the security requirements such as protection for diebstahl and for unwanted Blicken. The integrated filter system ensures the characteristic properties of cannabis minimization. There is a problem installing a container in the following way: Further systems may have issues that can be resolved.

Einladung und Bayerns Gesundheitsministerin Judith Gerlach

Who are the most Bundesländer-blockers of the Freistaat Bayern nach Ansicht van Cerveny, has offered the cannabis legalization and the verschleppt-wide versorgung of the consumptions. Since July 31, 2024, 167 clubs will be registered, now that eight clubs in Lower Saxony will be accepted bisher. “These bureaucratic houses are swayed by consumers to build their own construction,” Cerveny says. A prototype of the prototype was made by the Bavarian Health Minister Judith Gerlach.

“Our project is not yet a matter for us, especially in the future for future construction and for the legal cannabis market in Germany. Since the time has come, the current regulations in Bayern have been introduced and the courts have been implemented und Regulierung von Cannabis-Anbauvereinen beiträgt.”

Optimal display for Stecklinge in the container

The Anbau Container is the ideal solution for a professional Anbau: it handles with a 40-large “High Cube” container, with the dimensions of 12,032 x 2-353 x 2,068 mm (LxWxH) and a volume of 76.4 cubic meters, which Pavol Bobek, Managing Director of the German Niederlassung von Hitec Grow in Schneeberg (Saxony) Mitteilt. I am active with plants, full tanks and supplies cradles the container new barrels.

The Hanfpflanzen have the ideal light distribution, optimal temperature and temperature control with an optimal effect of natural substances and kohlen dioxide. “The containers are made with optimal packaging conditions for the container.” The sophisticated hydroponic technique simulates Ebbe and Flute: “These Pflanzen were fluted in Rhythmus der Gezeiten mit Nährstoffen”, verspricht der Hersteller. The cannabis container went Pavol Bobek to a “normal” transport container, with Schiff, Eisenbahn and other goods that could be used.

Ganzjähriger Anbau/Schnelle Erntezyklen

The Maximus system knows its capacity and resources from the system. The washer demand can extend the recovery function with closed water circuits and a modern watering system.

The energy-efficient ventilation and air systems ensure energy consumption. A suspension of Witterungsbedingungen is the container that is a ganzjährigen Anbau. “We will have more time together in the future. We can enjoy our future,” said Bobek. The price of managing the environmental beds for the Wachstum of the Pflanzen, Ergebnis is a faster Erntezyklen.

Gutachten sichert Anbau von Stecklingen ab

The Natur-Erlebniswelt GmbH robbed the new Geschäftsfeld of a Gutachten des Paderborner Anwalts Kai-Friedrich Niermann, wonach Cannabissamen und Stecklingen internationally not regular and in the sin of the völkerrechtlichen Abkommen who do such substances. Samen and Stecklingen can be traded in Germany and an end consumers (erlaubter Eigenanbau) and Anbauvereinigungen are completed. “Der Anbau soll die Zeit überbrücken, bis der Freistaat Bayern seine boykottierende Haltung von Cannabis-Vereinen aufgibt”, says Wenzel Cerveny, Gründer der Handelskette und Vorstand des Chillout.Clubs Aschheim.

Über die Natur Erlebniswelt GmbH

The entire world of trade has more than 800 quadrat meters Verkaufsfläche: Rechtzeitig zur Legalisierung van Cannabis hat Deutschlands largest Hanfladen with 1,000 Products on the basis of nachhaltigen Pflanze on 22. February 2024 eröffnet. The Hanf Megastore at Saturnstraße 61 (früherer REWE-Markt) in Aschheim (Munich district) is open from Mittwoch to Samstag from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Anfahrt: The Megastore is with the Auto über die Münchner Ostumfahrung A99 (Ausfahrt Aschheim/Ismaning oder Aschheim Süd), Wegweiser Rathaus in the Saturnstraße or alternatively with the MVV-Linienbus 263 (Haltestelle Saturnstraße) of the U-Bahn or S-Bahn -Station Munich-Riem aus therereichbar.

Press contact:

Nature Erlebniswelt GmbH
Geschäftsführerin Silke Cerveny
Saturnstraat 61
D-85609 Aschheim
Phone +49 (0) 89 / 54 31 33 70
Email: [email protected]

Chillout.Club Construction Association
President Wenzel Vaclav Cerveny
Saturnstraat 61
D-85609 Aschheim
Telephone: +49 (0)178/906 72 94
Email address: [email protected]

Hitec Grow sro
Showroom Germany
Pavol Bobek
KarlsbaderStr. 134, 08289 Schneeberg, Saxony
Mobile +421/910224233
Email address:[email protected]

König Press Agency
Dipl.-Kfm. Josef König
Müller-Guttenbrunn-Str. 16
D-84347 Parish Churches
Phone +49 (0) 8561/910771
Mobile: +49 (0) 171/ 44 59 706
Email address: [email protected]

Original content from: Natur Erlebniswelt GmbH, übermittelt durch news aktuell