
Knowing how to explore a Himmelsobjekt, I have a positive impact when moving at 1.9 million km/h

Knowing how to explore a Himmelsobjekt, I have a positive impact when moving at 1.9 million km/h

Artistic illustration showing a hypothetical White Dwarf (left) said to explode as a supernova. The object on the right is CWISE J1249, a stern or Brown Dwarf, as a result of the explosion that was erupted from that system. This object is provided with the origin of CWISE J1249. Credit: WM Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko
Artistic illustration showing a hypothetical White Dwarf (left) said to explode as a supernova. The object on the right is CWISE J1249, a stern or Brown Dwarf, as a result of the explosion that was erupted from that system. This object is provided with the origin of CWISE J1249. Credit: WM Keck Observatory/Adam Makarenko
Francisco Martin Leon

Francisco Martin Leon Meteorites Spain 5 minutes

De Bürgerwissenschaftler nutzten de Daten van de NASA-Teleskops WISE, that be prepared for your NEOWISE Mission, There is a swamp and a moving object on the deck coming from Milchstraße.

Most applications are Sterne-kreis-friedlich in the center of the Milchstraße. But Bürgerwissenschaftler, who is in the Rahmen of the NASA projects “Backyard Worlds: Planet 9” If you have brought a beige object to the market, it is as soon as possible that the work of the Milchstraße is opened and in the intergalactic Raum-stürzt. This ultra-fast moving object is the first object to be discovered using the art of seine, with the mass of a small stern.

Backyard Worlds uses images from NASA’s Mission WISE (Wide Field Infrared Explorer),those between 2009 and 2011 in the Himmel in the infrared region. They operated under the name NEOWISE (Near-Earth Object Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer) in the summer of 2013 and started operating on August 8, 2024.

Place an object in the Milchstraße

For a few years covered the inheritance Bürgerwissenschaftler Martin Kabatnik, Thomas P. Bickle and Dan Caselden from Backyard Worlds a schwaches en schnelles Object names CWISE J124909.08+362116.0 that is the image in the WISE-Bildern-weg.

Weitere Beobachtungen with more erdgebundenen Teleskopen Ermöglichten are the Wissenschaftlern, the Entdeckung zu bestätigen and the Object zu characterization. This Bürgerwissenschaftler is now the purchase of a team study on this Discovery , which were published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters (a Vorabversion found here) .

An extremely fast object!

“I cannot describe the Grad der Aufregung”, said Herr Kabatnik, a Bürgerwissenschaftler from Nuremberg, Germany. “When there is a war, when there is war, war is declared.

CWISE J1249 is located in a wind direction of 1.9 million kilometers ahead of the Milchstraße stop. This Geschwindigkeit is about 1,500 times higher than the Schallgeschwindigkeit.

There was a small mass, it was a volatile power, in the case of a classification object. It is a fact that a stern handles with lighter masses, or that the core is not stable. Wasserstoff is fused, würde is like Brown Zwerg gilten, A gas planet and a star-terminal value were used.

What is this object about?

Glücklicherweise moves with these cosmic flights through the center of the Milchstraße and not with us. If you want to buy an item with high quality, then Galaxie is no longer available. The unglazed design of the new cover plates does not originate from the only point of interest of the objects, which was found some 400 Lichtjahre von der Erde.

The Sternkörper is actually a mass that is 8% of the solar mass or 80 times the mass of Jupiter. Because it has become one of the transgressive matters and a fascinating group of objects, the “brown swimmers” are often (it was unjustified) mediated as “mislungene sterne”.


Adam J. Burgasser and others, Discovery of a hypervelocity L subdwarf at the star/brown dwarf mass limit. Arxiv