
Ex-radrennfahrerin Daniela Larreal in her Wohnung tot aufgefunden

Ex-radrennfahrerin Daniela Larreal in her Wohnung tot aufgefunden


Tragischer Tod: Olympia-Star leblos in eigener Wohnung gefunden!

The biggest problem is that Olympia qualifies – now Daniela Larreal (†50) has reached her own living funds.

Las Vegas (USA) – Stolze funfmal schaffte sie es, ich für die Summer Olympics zu qualifizieren – nun wurde die frühere Top-Radrennfahrerin Daniela Larreal (†50) tot gefunden. Those Venezuelans are happy with tragic lives in their lost lives: they remain alone in your living room in Essen.

The frühere Top Radrennfahrerin Daniela Larreal was now 50 years old. (Archivbilder)

The frühere Top Radrennfahrerin Daniela Larreal was now 50 years old. (Archivbilder) © Editing: JUAN BARRETO / AFP, LUIS ACOSTA / AFP

When the time comes, Larreal will start on August 12, that he never got a job in a hotel in Las Vegas again. Laut Fox Sports works in his Leiche-schließlich on the Freitag of the local Behörden in his Wohnung-enddeckt.

This year, the Police Festival was held, which was the first Spitzensportlerin am Sonntag, on August 11, a Erstickung verstarb – in his Luftröhre, feste Speisereste gefunden.

Zwischen 1992 in Barcelona und 2012 in London nahm Larreal insgesamt een fünf Olympic Games teil, war met die Zeit das Aushängeschild des Radsports in Venezuela. The medical reach of the medical profession is not true.

There are more and more years where the riders are in the Central and South American market, buying more gold coins.

Daniela Larreal Vermächtnis “wird in der Geschichte des Venezuelan Radsports fortbestehen”

Larreal (r.) at the Olympic Games in London in the year 2012.

Larreal (r.) at the Olympic Games in London during the year 2012. © dpa | Christophe Karaba

What is your greatest experience? The Bolivar Games 2005 in Kolumbien, while Larreal is in four parts on the first Platz!

Dementias that cause a major war in the late American war may begin as a result of the war in the 1950s.

“Daniela war is not even a master of sports, but a symbol for Ausdauer, Hingabe and Leidenschaft für den Sport. With a heritage career inspired by generations of Radfahrern and hinterließ at jedem Wettbewerb, a dem sie teilnahm, unauslöschliche Spuren”, teilte der Venezuelan Radsportverband mit.

“Your power has been strengthened in the battle for the Venezuelan Radsports and his memory will be with every Pedaltritt, while his honors are other people.”