
A Starnberger at the Paralympic Games

A Starnberger at the Paralympic Games

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A Starnberger at the Paralympic Games
In Degen-Duell with Witsawakon Siphuton from Thailand: Elias Klotz (r.) won the U23 World Championship for the first time after 2023. © private

Der Rollstuhlfechter Elias Klotz nahm schon an twee Weltmeisterschaften part. Now the 17-year-old Starnberger as Botschafter Paralympics-Luft Schnuppern – and in Vorfeld with the German Hoffnungsträger signaler Sportart training. When you travel, you go to a meeting with the Federal Presidents.

Starnberg – His sport, the roller chair, has so much with him made. “Before I waited a very long time, I had a conversation that was not resolved,” said Elias Klotz in an interview with the Starnberger Merkur. A self-confidence has been won, a perpetrator has become, such as Mother, Monika Klotz. Elias is a fisherman who half laughs at Geburt and therefore blindly on the left. A very unusual combination. As Parafechten (the roller chair used Elias only as sports equipment) can be a “premium side”, who says the Mother, is the best inlaid. “There is no fear of hinten or from the left.”

Two-time German champion in the old class U17 with the sword, teilnahme and two U23 world champions in South Korea and Thailand: From the age of 17, Elias can play a sports competition. And now the Starnberger reflects his sport a little personally. It was at the end of August at the Paralympic Games in Paris. Not as an athlete, but as a Botschafter for Germany and the Rollstuhlfechten. Elias has developed into the Paralympic Youth Camp of the German Behindertensportjugend (DBSJ). There is an official in the team clothing, the wettkämpfe vieler sportarten can be followed live and another federal president Frank-Walter Steinmeier can meet personally. The program supports the knowledge of people, culture and history of the gastronomy, education in local schools or sports associations, city education and research centers and museums.

Nor gehe es mit der Aufregung, said Elias. “Aber sie stigt sicher.” The first Mal tritt is a big journey alone. Afterwards after Cologne, we will continue to work towards this goal. Auf zwölf Tage ist das Jugendlager mit 19 Teilnehmern in Paris angesetzt. His motivation was Elias Kein Geringerer as the German Rollstuhlfecht-Bundestrainer Alexander Bondar. There will be, that the Starnberger international Luft schnuppert. Deshalb is one of those things during the preparation for the Paralympic Games in Böblingen and trains another with the German Hoffnungsträger Maurice Schmidt. In November I saw the Bundestrainer Bondar arrange the first Weltcup Start for Elias Klotz – the real match in Pisa. Sein Sport brings the young Starnberger into the world.

There is a step in the self-determination that came from the 17th century with the debts and the funfseen school. There is an end to the Mittlere Reife – as a year-end best. When the blessing comes out of sight, it is so that a Lehrerin has a wider distribution. It was one of the Banales, the Einsatz and Getränke-Gutscheins. The Lehrerin has something False behauptet, was Elias correctigsetellt habe. “That had not been given to me for a long time”, said it.

Now Paris stands before the Tür, and Elias wins himself a Schub for his Sportart – so who has given him a ​​given. „It is so beautiful, when the lake is Fechter gäbe. Matches in Bavaria are a bad thing.“ Athletics, strategy and technique are fragmented, and his restored Honesty and abseits from the law fight a good community feeling.

Anyway, Elias himself can not say that the facts can occur, but it is now one of the Landesschule for Körperbehinderingen in Munich. Dort, where an Ausbildung in the Bereich Büro-Management is established, is one of the many advantages or the exempted Meisterschaften. Eben, if the Bundestrainer does not feel well.

So escalators

If Rollstuhlfechten or Parafechten fix the Rollstuhl in the Boden, people will also immerse themselves in a number of other ways. The Olympic variants consist of three packages: Florett, Epee and Säbel. The official Paralympics internet page states the following: “I am a Florettkampf ist der Zielbereich auf de Rumpf des Gegners beschränkt, während beim Einsatz des Säbels darüber hiaus auch the Arme and the Maske as Treffer zählen. Beim Degenkampf will be nur der Körper oberhalb der Hüfte as Zielbereich gewertet. Those heavy metal schürzen, a medical resident, that Treffer took from the hospital ward, have not been healed.’ The Rolls-Stool Fighting would have made an effort after the Second World War of Dr. Ludwig Guttmann in the Stoke Mandeville Hospital, a cure for patients with back injuries for support, in the same way as the muskels are strengthened and your Equal Weight is improved. The sports score is shown during the first Paralympic Games 1960 on the program.