
Beatles: Muss für Pilzkopf-Fans: Übernachten in ehemaligen Bandhaus

Beatles: Muss für Pilzkopf-Fans: Übernachten in ehemaligen Bandhaus

Muss for Pilzkopf-Fans: Nights in the ehemaligen Bandhaus

Machten später Weltkarriere ohne Pete Best: the Beatles

Machten später Weltkarriere ohne Pete Best: the Beatles

© imago/United Archives

Here you can find the Ur-Beatles playing: Pete Best, ex-drummer of the band, who played the other clubhouse of Pilzköpfe in the hotel.

Beatles fans have never had a grund more, nach Liverpool on a trip. Pete Best (82), the best drummer of the band, has praised “Sky News” as the first band house of Pilzköpfe in a “Bed and Breakfast” hotel. I have discovered the Kellerclub that the legend of “Fab Four” no longer has the first band of the band. In the Oberen Stockwerk you can enjoy the best suites and tomorrow typical English Frühstück-genießen.

Beatles traces in the basement club

At the time when the Beatles were at war with the “Casbah Club”, Treffpunkt was used exclusively for the best fan community of the Newcomer Band. It is the best of the club, who is the Victorian herrenhaus, under monumental protection. Bests Mutter is one of the biggest and best-selling ideas: you focus on your son, the band and the friends in the Keller-Club now for a few. Here you can meet music and friends, listen to music and listen. The geschichtlichen problems of the Beatles have never been so good in the Keller as best. John, Paul, George, Stuart and Pete explain to Umbau himself with Hand an. The Stelle, of John Lennon with a bag that bears the name in the magic wand, has never been so good. “The Beatles have played here, gefeiert and geschlafen”, said Best.

The Beatles’ first drummer

Their international victory drive took the Beatles in 1962 and 1963. Whoever comes out of the night, dies the Four with his hits “Love Me Do” and “Please Please Me” in English and then in the well-known charts nach overen. But also before Beatlemania consists of the band line-ups – parts in other occupation. Pete Best counts on their original members. After Ex-bassist Stuart Sutcliffe remained Best 1960 of John Lennon, Paul McCartney (82) and George Harrison won and praised the sound of the band in 1962 – famous for the legendary Australian production of the band. So the best war that was recruited for the first Hamburg trip of the Beatles in August 1960. On August 17, 1960, the Gruppe went to the Hamburger Rotlichtviertel in its first concert under the name “The Beatles” – with the best and drums.

Replaced by Ringo Starr

Such a bitter sparrow was for the best in 1962 by Ringo Starr (84) ersetzt was – mutatis mutandis on Print by George Harrison. Today Best says about this time: “The war is a heart and a financial matter, after life has begun. The war is my Karma, but maybe it is not so.” The world of the Beatles in the band-auflösung 1970 was chosen as the best best from the broadcasts labeled by the Zuschauer perspective. In the 60s it is true that there is a plötzlichen Ausbootung weitgehend Frieden is geschlossen: “I had 60 great years, in the denen ich sowohl Pete as an ex-Beatle war. It is a part of the lives, it is beautiful, damit in Connection zu were, aber das Leben geht weiter”, said there.

Ringo Suite felt

Debbie Greenberg lived with the legendary “Cavern Club”, one of the Beatles’ most famous artists in Liverpool, from 1966 to 1971. You can see Pete in the 60s and look into the Zeit, when the Beatles line-up is put together: “Pete was a new type and had an anchor. Even if he spoke here, that’s because Ringo was going to be war. When we hear the Beatles’ journeys, we read: ‘Pete forever, Ringo never!'” This is the best way to have a little time with your own Band-Rausschmiss, is a name for the names of small Bed-and-Breakfast-Houses. . The fun suites were created by Paul, John, George, Peter and Stuart Sutcliffe’s original bassists, who can use all kinds of different instruments. After the Beatles broadcast tomorrow a real English Frühstück on the Besucher. Einzig: A Ringo Suite fails. The life of the Beatlemania of the only fans of the band no longer lasts in the way.
