
Electric cars in the comparison test: The ADAC has become the best model

Now the model is “very good”: Since ADAC is the best electric car

Volkswagen VW ID.7 Electric car ADAC

© Volkswagen / PR

As soon as the electric cars are carried out in Stocken, the company is written in large quantities. The ADAC hat is one of the best results for all classes.

The Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club, Kurz ADAC, tested Jahr Autos. The results published by the club are fortuitous – and sorted according to the type of vehicles. So come to the conclusion that one of the best models in the test class can deliver the best results in the class. As the cars are pushed over the years, they can note their rankings: money and jewelry notes for the costs and the long results of the purchase of prices and performance.

In the tests, the Fahrzeuge auf Herz and Nieren were tested. The tester has its own safety features, safety features, safety features, safety features and many other parameters. At Elektroautos the factory tower with Reichsweite and Ladegeschwindigkeit plays a major role. The Ergebnisse veröffentlicht der Club fortlaufend. The tables for electrical cars ended in August were updated.

There is however an obstacle for the sucking in – once it is a car, the message is “his gut” in the hole. The VW ID.7 Pro gave the tester a 1.5 out.

The best electric cars in the class

But also other manufacturers can make points. In the smallest car, the Fiat 500e La Prima with a battery of 42 kilowatts is a first generation. The Note 2.4 has brought the vehicle to a good end, its driving characteristics and virtuous environmental properties. Abzüge – and it comes to an explosion – it is all in Sachen Zuladung and Raumangebot.

It is in the nächsthöheren class, the Kleinwagen, which no longer falls in the fall. Use the Hyundai Kona Elektro with a capacity of 65.4 kWh and a Prime package in the table. The car has done a test on a smooth 2, where Schwächen everything at the material in the interior and the price costs – it is only 45,340 euros.

In the middle class of Volvo with the XC40 Recharge Pure Electric Single Motor Extended Range Ultimate. The Note 1.7 is equipped with the car for a turnaround, high security, solid driving performance and a good drive.

In the luxury cars Porsche lies with the Taycan Performance Plus and Mercedes with the EQS 450+. Both cars share the Note 1.6. The enormous prizes for the best note on the road are available – both start at 100,000 euros.

Where do China and Tesla stand?

Wenn es um die Hersteller aus Fernost geht, wrote der Club: “Auch wenn es bisher nor kein solches Modell ganz vorn geschafft hat – Elektro-Fahrzeuge aus chinese Produktion erzielen inzwischen more as esteembewertungen in ADAC-Test. Zu nennen wäre beispielsweise Nio with the technically high-quality models ET5, ET7 such as EL6 and EL7 or the Xpeng G9.”

If the ADAC has to deal with a “fight for top spots and market share further” then. It is possible to buy a Tesla. Schon now lies the Tesla Model 3 in the middle class with Note 2 in the middle field, Model Y ebenso. The luxury model S and X model is not first on. Sollte der E-Pioneer was also not bare from the Hut, while the competition more models in Rennen schicken, which are the cars from the House Musk, will be more likely.