
Networking, inspiration and new perspectives

Networking, inspiration and new perspectives

Digital Process in Focus: The Digital Hotel Day will take place on October 16 and 17, 2024

The digital hotel day of ahgz statt will take place on October 16 and 17. Wer sich bis zum 31. August anmeldet, profitable vom Frühbucherrabatt.

Generative and analytical AI, sustainable digitalization of data protection and cybersecurity present the hotel industry with new developments – and new possibilities. Technology, applications and specific tools for implementing these new tools are available in the front-end and backend overview bar.

Digital Hotel Day: Gemeinsam de Zukunft der Branche gestalten

I am 16 and 17. October is so good again: The Digital Hotel Day offers a platform that Austausch has on these different themes. For hoteliers who use separation and divorce services in the hotel industry, the representation of the platform is a digital integration of the gestalt industry.

Bereits zum drieten Mal gibt es otherthalb Tage Insights, Deep Dive Sessions and Trends. Zudem steht Networks op de Tagesordnung. The Digital Hotel Day focuses on all aspects of private, hotel chain and hotel operations that are becoming more sophisticated with digitalization.
If you would like to register, please let us know. Bis zum 31. August gibt is noch een Frühbucherrabatt.

That’s what you need for the place

Insights: Names and new market players are being used in new processes and working conditions.

Deep Dive sessions: Konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen and Lösungsvorschläge were presented by experts and industry experts.

Trends: A glimpse is made into modern technology and technology of digitalization of the hotel industry.

Networks: Specially what is best for the Austausch live for Place with Branch Colleagues and -Colleges with Tech Providers.

FOCUS I: Digitales Führen & Lernen: Erwerb und Vertiefung digitaler Kompetenzen in der Hotellerie
FOKUS-II: Generative and Analytical AI: Intelligent Solutions for the Operative Geschäft
FOKUS-III: Future Digitalization: Environmental awareness and economic orientation
FOCUS IV: Data Protection & Cybersecurity: Ensure sensible information in the digital world

Impressions from Digital Hotel Day 2023

The war begins to tell a fuller story over the years. “Praxisnahe Beiträge und der eeninzigartige Wissensaustausch unter Kolleg*innen schufen eenine dynamic Atmosphere”, said and Konstantin Irnsperger, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, TheNew Holding/Yours Truly Hotel.

“Benders were the expert experts in the field of AI and Automation Theme,” he continued. “These experiences are new perspective and became a positive influence on my possible activities.”

I am a Ticketpreis included since:

  • The Teilnahme is a conference program for both days
  • Speisen und getränke während der both Veranstaltungstage
  • The Teilnahme an der Führung during the Autostadt before the start of the Congress on October 16
  • Die Teilnahme am Get-Together during the first Kongresstag
  • Permits in our partner hotels and über das DB-Veranstaltungstickets

Go to the program.