
The Streetfood-Festival lasts every week in St.Gallen

The Streetfood-Festival lasts every week in St.Gallen


Geschmäcke aus aller Welt: The Streetfood Festival lasts a week in St.Gallen

Everything was done in the Museum Quarter, the culinary Herz was welcome. 45 Essensstände, Gin- and Beertasting, Strassenkünstler and DJs load their Unterhaltung and gemütlichem Beisammensein ein.

Ein Ausschnitt des Streetfood-Festivals vom last Jahr.

Ein Ausschnitt des Streetfood-Festivals vom last Jahr.

Image: zvg

These apartments can be used in the museum quarter by the different special features. Erneut guest at the Streetfood-Festival in the city of St.Gallen. Was 2015 in Olten when the first Anlass started, it is a small festival, which went through the gesamte Schweiz-tour.

Street food is essential for freshly cooked food in mobile kitchens. Show Ursprung fand der Kult in Asia, South America and Africa, with the Veranstalter des Streetfood-Festivals schreiben. Heutzutage finds a man Street food-oriented in the Strasse, and events, also in restaurants. The Streetfood Festival became the trend in 19 Schweizer Städten, which appeared in St.Gallen on Wednesday. Von Freitagabend bis Sonntagabend stehen die Stände auf dem Vorplatz der Pädagogische Hochschule and dem Spelteriniplatz.

Sample portions and a piece of music with DJs

The 45 positions that provide a market atmosphere during your purchase are in the medium term. The default values ​​are fresh and special from 25 different countries. Including Burger, Gyros and Momos. The customers also serve try-out portions, which means that they can be published as well as possible costs and new decks.

For the little ones it is a kind of Kinderland, that is a new Samstag and Sonntag-offnet. This is a theme bar with aperitif, cocktails and wine. For Kennerinnen and Kenner beer and gin tastings were offered. Thoughtful areas protect against rain and sun. These years are new for bands and DJs. Also from street artists were Darbietungen to be seen. A food waste that is wasted is wasted and spent intoxicated.

The Festival starts at 5:45 p.m., the Wednesday evenings are open from 11:45 a.m. and open until 11 p.m., and the Sunday evening ends at 8 p.m. More information about content is available under