
Walfang-Gegner Paul Watson is not immersed in Grönland, #FreePaulWatson is committed to a Freilassung

Walfang-Gegner Paul Watson is not immersed in Grönland, #FreePaulWatson is committed to a Freilassung

Walschützer Paul Watson had been spoken to by Haftbefehl for years. I was in Grönland in July during the Tanken festivities, which is due to the Auslieferung in Japan. Sayings became loud: “Sollte man jemanden, der unser Ökosystem schützt, nicht eher feiern as verhaften?”

“If Paul Watson from Denmark comes from Japan, he will be in life, but he will no longer have a Zweifel. There is 73 years ago that the violence is a brutal death.” He said Cyrill Gutsch and Gründer of “Parley For The Oceans”. If the designer after a meeting with Sea-Sheperd-Gründer Paul Watson 2012 is ready, it is so that the world, if we want to invest more, will have the protection care “Parley For The Oceans”. Of course, it is important at the moment that Paul Watson is only once in Grönland and not much more, which will be even more.

The next day: The Canadian-American citizen Paul Watson has arrived at the harbor in Nuuk Angelaufen and wardort on July 21 with the Schiff “John Paul DeJoria”. Grund für die Festnahme war ein von de Japanese Behörden ausstellter internationaler Haftbefehl gegen ihn.

Watson and Gutsch have seen diesel gasoline. Watson and Gutsch have seen diesel gasoline.

Watson and Gutsch have seen diesel gasoline.

(Photo: Parley For The Oceans)

Watson is an example of a Japanese Walfänger who has abandoned a person. Watson’s invasion so long after the large-scale police forces are in place, this means that the country is not lost, but there is still a possibility of protection in Japan.

Frederiksen is aware that

Watson has more years for Wale and others. It is true that Watson confronts the Schutz der Tiere auch unter Weltschützern umstRITten ist, so that Cyrill Gutsch has a complete Meinung: “Anstatt that the dänische Regierung Wale davor schützt, unter enormous Qualen and in barbarisch Weise gotötet zu be, Let the police and military forces are taking position, so that Walmörder zu schützen.’

For Gutsch eine completely unverständliche Vorgehensweise: “Denmark has defeated Paul Watson. Not Japan. Not France and not England. Denmark”, so Gutsch gegenüber

Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen got a hint from Justice Minister, found the CEO of Parley, and said that he was clear, was his motivation: “They will hinder, Watson will seek, to make the Wal-Massaker a fact, that will be the Faroe Islands-stattfindet.”

“There is a Hero”

Cyrill Gutsch is not all with his eyes, but also Prominente, who releases the Gesuch, Paul Watson. Under Pierce Brosnan: The legend of Schauspieler is no longer as good as what Watson does.

The question is: Should it? The question is: Should it?

The question is: Should it?

(Photo: Parley For The Oceans)

“When our oceans die, we die,” said Brosnan on Instagram and his friend. There is concrete that Watson is a man with an unclear character, his wife and her wife Keely have become a great friend for a number of years. “If you see, who changes and a quirky Paul is for the more life einsetzt, without Rücksicht auf sich zelf.”

Who Gutsch discovered that Brosnan was a person, that Watson, a person, “who has given an impulse, while he was punished”, was urgently needed for the fortress of the world. “There is a hero. Our system is no longer of this time”, the former “James Bond” narrator concretely. And “Parley” founder Gutsch exclaims: “Those who protect our planets, must be celebrated and not corrupted.”

Walfanggegner zu sein ist kein Zuckerschlecken ... Walfanggegner zu sein ist kein Zuckerschlecken ...

Walfanggegner zu sein ist kein Zuckerschlecken …

(Photo: Paul Watson Foundation)

“A farce”

The “Captain Paul Watson Foundation” states: “Paul Watson has rejected the fundamental legend, although he is convinced that he will be defeated, which is an ernidrigende treatment that would be tolerated, which would result in a criminal offense being dealt with as a man, and not before the court. The Justice Ministry must act as quickly as possible, a farce is finally over.”

In a video it is so that Watson in Nuuk, with the hands fesselt and a schmerzen with a police car founded, before the goal is reached. The gesamte accompaniment of the Danish population is excluded, the Foundation reports, and it will not be any force majeure. That was prohibited against Danish law.

The goal is to show the video from the “Whale Wars” series, while the Japanese are likely to be affected. “It’s not that it’s not like that anymore, but it’s getting wider than the last time it’s used. If the problem with processing the content is solved, the verfahren of the Japanese Behörden can’t be taken over.

Die Weigerung, die Bewuste Anzuschauen, will continue the seriousness of life and the Fairness of the Judiciary in a different way, that Watson will receive a fair Opportunity for Verteidigung,” the Foundation said.

Protest in Copenhagen Protest in Copenhagen

Protest in Copenhagen

(Photo: via REUTERS)

And furthermore: “The fact that Watson is very serious is a significant burden on personal data. The rejection of the negative aspects of the situation is one of the most important aspects of the investigation violative.” That fall has never been as free as Watson’s, but damage has been done to the handling of activities and the individual Schutz legal entity that represents politically motivated interests.

False warnings

Watson’s Anwälte Julie Stage and Jonas Christoffersen file the divorce with the Obersten Gerichtshof Grönlands ein: “The Vorwürfe gegen Paul Watson based on Tatsachen, which were constructed by the Japanese Behörden, um Paul Watson’s Kampagne would stop. Paul Watson would be guilty, a besatzungsmitglied der ‘Shonan Maru’ verletzt zu haben, (…) the besatzungsmitglied war aber, entgegen der Behauptungen Japanese, not a Deck, as a Wasserkanone das Schiff traf, that is my own Besatzung in Gesicht traffic. These videos are proven, that Japan Tatsachen erfunden hat, um Auslieferung und Verurteilung zu erreichen (…).”

What’s going on?

On July 21, 2024, anti-Walfang activist Paul Watson was celebrated in Grönland when he saw Schiff with Tanken in the Hafenstadt Nuuk. Jetzt dried the 73-year-old Sea-Sheperd-Gründer die Auslieferung in Japan. The country received a so-called “Red Notice” from Interpol in 2012. Dadurch were Mitgliedsstaaten dazu aufgefordert, den Geuchten zu finden and festzunehmen. A Verpflichtung zur Auslieferung is nicht. The Japanese Criminal Investigation Orders recruit Watson for, 2010 “Einbruch in ein Schiff”, Sachbeschädigung, “gewalstsame Behinderung von Geschäften” and Körperverletzung began with his haben. I had an Auslieferung in Japan that the Kanadier had won until 15 years ago. In general, the end of the Copenhagen Ministry of Justice is distanced, while the official Grönland zum dänischen Königreich is called.

Momentan bleibt Watson in Grönland in Untersuchungshaft. This is the Bezirksgericht of Nuuk entschieden. The Inhaftierung will take place on September 5.

Macron has positioned himself

The German State Secretary of the “Captain Paul Watson Foundation” has bitten Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, Minister Steffi Lemke and Minister Annalena Baerbock, because the international protests have promoted the Inhaftierung Watsons and have developed into the freedom and the emergence of an Auslieferung auszusprechen.

The President of France, Macron, has the idea that the Auslieferung Watsons speaks out. Many people with a report of Jane Goodall, Director James Cameron and the singer Bryan Adams have read the social media for Paul Watson.

The petition #FreePaulWatson and the Dänische Regie is possible at