
Russian General for Kursk-Invasion der Ukraine fatal Entscheidung

Russian General for Kursk-Invasion der Ukraine fatal Entscheidung

Is it a matter of Ukraine Tür und Tor?

Russian General during Kursk Invasion with fatal Entscheidung

Current on 22.08.2024 – 19:06 UhrReading time: 3 min.

image images 101812945Enlargement of the imagesGeneral Alexander Lapin took part in a military parade in Yekaterinburg (archive photo): Few months before the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk, a large Gremium was lost. (Quelle: Donat Sorokin via

More later this week, the Ukrainian offensive in the Russian region of Kursk will be launched. The weak representation of the Russians can find a general responsible signal.

If the Ukrainian Streitkräfte starts in Russia on August 6, it will start in August: See traffic on the Russian side in the region Kursk zunächst nicht auf Gegenwehr. Those sold fanden again complex Verteidigungsstellungen nor Minenfelder vor, nobody seemed to stop woolen in their Vormarsch. Inner half of the world, few soldiers were forced to leave the Russian territory for miles.

The failed Kursk protection is an attack on the Russian general Alexander Lapin. Only a few months before the invasion – in the spring of these years – Lapin relieved the Security Council of the Kursk Region. There is a report on the “Wall Street Journal”. In the Committee it is so that the representatives of the army are regularly hit with regional and local Security Services, a Kursk protection that is organized. When Lapin entered the army for the representation of the Border Region, it began to carry out another attack.

  • Aktuelle Entwicklungen zum Krieg in der Ukraine read on Newsblog.

Russia “finally in Bedrängnis”

In Russia, criticism of the state and military struggle is gaining momentum. When all power is exercised in the Kremlin, the responsibility often falls on the shoulders of the region to react quickly to new developments. It is now no longer possible to protect Russian troops from the invasion of Ukraine without these problematic problems.

Video | Ukraine jumped further to Nachschub-Brücke

Source: t-online

The US Ministry of Defense approves this separation. It is a fact that Moscow is a small Zahl and a fact in the area, like Pentagon Speaker Pat Ryder in Washington. “Generell würde ich aber sagen, dass Russland sich wirklich schwer damit tut, zu reactieren.” The Ukraine has “finally brought its Gegner to Bedrängnis”, Ryder said. Ukrainian Streitkrafte rückten demnach weiterhin in das Gebiet vor.

Since the inspection of the security measures of the Ukraine is not a matter of concern and security, it will not be finalized. The inner security is inherent to the Ministry of the Interior and the domestic service responsible for the FSB.

  • Also read: Soldiers held orders for anger at Kursk für Witz

While we were busy with the general’s alarm signal, we reported to the “Wall Street Journal” to the attention of the Russian military blogger. Apparently Ukrainian military movements in the neighboring region of Sumy have been warned in Moscow of a possible danger. But his warnings are still valid in Kremlin – and self-relocation is also not without consequences.

Alexander Lapin has left a career in the Russian army behind him. 2014 began with the general-ernant. Three years later, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was in the post of the general staff of the Russian troops in Syria to work, the war was his Oberkommandeur. The battle for the military army in Russia from 2017 to 2022. But the war in Ukraine brought the general an empfindlichen Karriereknick ein.

image 81372364Enlargement of the images
Wladimir Putin (r.) said Alexander Lapin with his orders (Archivbild): The General war achieved in Syrian activity. (Quelle: Alexei Nikolsky/imago)

As chief of the Heeresgruppe “Zentrum”, which starts with the Russian invasion of the Ukrainian regions of Sumy and Tschernihiw one march, life for Kriegsverbrechen signaler Soldaten is responsible. Now that there are few monies after the invasions begin, the Russian troops must be withdrawn from the north of Ukraine. The gleiche Schicksal was a später of Lapins Truppen, if he was in 2022 with Lyman in Donezk eingesetzt wurden.

That brought the general into Russian Militair Kreisen scharfe Kritik ein: Lapins Planung soll schlecht, de Ausrüstung seiner Truppen soll mangelhaft sein, en es zollen kaum Verteidigungsstellungen vorhanden gewesen sein. Insondere van the Tschetschenenführer Ramsan Kadyrow and the Mittlerweile chef of the Söldnergruppe Wagner, Jewgeni Prigoschin, work together with the chef of the Söldnergruppe Wagner. In October 2022, Lapin will be chief of the military military missions.

Just three months ago, in January 2023, the general began posting the following messages: There was a general strike of the Russian Landstreitkräfte. It is the order of the commander of the Leningrad military mission. Zudem führt is the Sever-Brigade and dies, among other things, from the Russian offensive in the northern Ukrainian region of Kharkov. The offensive gilded common ground as misconduct for the Russian troops.