
Deutsche Malle-Urlauber prügeln Taxifahrer krankenhausreif – “Habe gefleht”

Deutsche Malle-Urlauber prügeln Taxifahrer krankenhausreif – “Habe gefleht”

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A taxi driver in Mallorca is a mutmaßlich of German tourist health insurance. They also work as Polizists.

Palma – Mallorca (Spain) is one of the German favorite holiday destinations. For a nod to the Erholung am Strand, others have seen the Party Mile on Ballermann in August. Einheimische fuhlen von de touristenmassen dag zunehmstört en protestieren. At the Sauftourismus on Mallorca the alcohol regulations have been extended. Now that the protests against mass tourism have started, there are new people who meet tourists, but also the politicians in Essen will have a taxi driver some 71 years ago, so that he could do a favor in a hospital.

Der Vorfall honored itself in the night on duty, on August 20, 2024. Auslöser für den Streit war offenbar ein lostes Handy, das der Taxifahrer trotz der Anschuldigungen der Angreifer nicht his hat, wie de Spanje Polizei mitteilte.

„Thought, they were coming to me“: Mallorca-Taxifahrer von Deutschen mutmaßlich jijammengeschlagen

“I thought, I think I’m going to go for umbringen. “I can tell you, I can handle my body shape,” where the taxi driver José María P. Mallorca Newspaper zitiert. The Angreifer has as German Polizisten ausgeben and in their Ausweise “unter the Nase content”, so the 71-Jährige, der with one gebrochenen Arm, twee gebrochenen Rippen, blutunterlaufenen Augen, weiteren Verletzungen and zahlreichen blauen Flecken in Krankenhaus in Palma liegt. The Erscheinen der Polizei has “rettet das Leben”. Der Image erzählte is außerdem: “If you find one of my final steps. I have lived, aber es brought nichts.”

The Spanish Guardia Civil is one of the beaches in Einsatz.
The Spanish Guardia Civil is one of the beaches in Einsatz. © Guardia Civil/Europapress/dpa

The Polizei nahm tatsächlich vier Deutsche vorübergehend fest, so the Polizei der spanische Ferieninsel. Das Polizeipräsidium in Essen erklärte der dpa: “The fall is known to us.” “The best of the suspect, it cannot be otherwise,” it happened. Die dpa erhielt wiederum “aus verlässlicher Quelle” the information, which the spirit of the accused of politics in Essen (North Rhine-Westphalia) has, is private on the island. Dies wurde zuerst von der Rhine Post message set. All four suspects have been in action in Germany. Gegenüber der The picture age said José María P. dazu: “Unser Anwalt erklärte mir, die Fluchtfahr sei nicht gegeben, da sich um Polizisten handle”.

“Were stock betrunken”: Urlauber schlagen Taxifahrer on Mallorca krankenhausreif

The rainy season in autumn begins on vom Mallorca Magazine and in others Inselmedien anyway beim statlichen spanischen Fernsehsender RTVE reported. The police in Mallorca have their own responsibility. These can be carried out by the German serious consequences. I have a Spanish message about the offers, that my father may come on an auge blinde könnte. For severe body injury, the Spanish law sees compulsory punishments from three to six years ago.

After the taxi drivers have accused the four guilty men in Schinkenstraße, in the Haupt-Partymeile am Ballermann, in their taxi, their hotel in the Mitte der Insel Fahren zu lassen. “We were both stock carriers.” Four other men from the insured group called Urlauberggruppe took another taxi.

Schlägerei roads once lost Handys – welches unbescholten wieder auftauchte

I see the police and get the chance to confront them. One of the German hats is conveniently lost and due to the taxi driver, it is stolen by his life. Anfangs sei alles in Ordnung gewesen,berichtete der Taxifahrer. “You can see the rechnung and the value of Trinkgeld. I’m not even sure, those two Trunkenbolde were loaded.” Then one of the Fahrgäste signal Handig is missing. “Three other people came to the hotel. We recommend the Taxi on the Head and suchten after the Handy.”

Although it is not true that it is a brutal treatise, José María calls in the hospital bed for Reportern. It has been going on for a while Handy fans who put German in the bag a friend, message die Mallorca Newspaper. Der Taxifahrer sei inzwischen operates be signal, so die Picture magazine.

Zwischenfall damages dem Image deutscher Touristen in Mallorca

In Vorfall there is no more light on mass tourism or German tourists in Mallorca. The taxi driver is resumé gegenüber der Mallorca Newspaper: „Often the man was angry with me, ich von den Deutschen stope. I was always full of the Lobes. “Jetzt sie nicht mal mehr am Strand lie sehen.” (jh/dpa)