
ZDFbesseresser: Soft drinks, warmly welcome on ZDF Info on 29.08.2024

ZDFbesseresser: Soft drinks, warmly welcome on ZDF Info on 29.08.2024

ZDFbesseresser: Soft drinks, warmly welcome on ZDF Info on 29.08.2024


Sebastian Lege said that he advised the Gesundheitswahn in the supermarket. Drinking time is in the social media a day. The packaging contains vitamins and fiber and ensures a renewed Nutri-Score. It is so that drinks are as tasty as a milkshake. Sebastian Lege schmeißt the Mixer and says, wie’s geht. Although it is so that the “knots” and the warum threads are so wide, they can not be found.


Title: ZDFbesseresser: Soft drinks, warmly welcome

Subtitle: Soft drinks, hearty truths

Original title: BesserEsser _ Food Stories

Genre: Doku_Info (Food + Drinks)

