
Before these changes are made, the new Nestlé CEO

Before these changes are made, the new Nestlé CEO

When Laurent Freix takes over as the new CEO of Nestlé, this will be a bit. The one that punctuated the review.

Am Hauptsitz von Nestlé in Vevey would go the way of the Konzerns.

Am Hauptsitz von Nestlé in Vevey would go the way of the Konzerns.

Stefan Wermuth / Bloomberg

Der Wechsel kam überraschend, aber nicht zufällig. If you are a donnerstagben, you can use the Schweizer Lebensmittelkonzern Nestlé the Chef from the kitchen. Mark Schneider must be sure to leave again if he spends more years before the arrival of Laurent Freixe.

Freixe has been in Unternehmen since 1986, there is a short period in the Latin-American-Geschäft. Damit is the Wechsel auch a Bekenntnis after innen: Nachdem Nestlé with Schneider zum ersten Mal an external Manager zum Chef, setzt man nun wieder auf a Urgestein aus their own Reihen.

When Laurent Freix started as new CEO, this became a bit. Nestlé looks with a confrontation of the Herausforderungen. Here are the most important points:

Laurent Freixe warbisher for the Lateinamerika-Geschäft von Nestlé responsible.

Laurent Freixe warbisher for the Lateinamerika-Geschäft von Nestlé responsible.


Health, Part I

Nestlé would deserve his thanks if the portfolio in Zukunft aussehen soll. The family Konzern is one of the prosperous producers of sustainable agricultural products, which produce one of the best salt, sugar and fat content products. Heavy that Nestlé under the CEO Mark Schneider more of the company production, on the coffee and on the Tierfutter market, ran the best of a Funtel of Portfolios – the Tierfutter-ausgeklammert – with the sweets with Kitkat, Smarties or Ice.

That doesn’t fit everyone. Criticism of bean stands more and more, especially at the general assembly in April, that Nestlé is grimly on the sale of unsustainable food setze. The group itself is dying. If you like the meal, you can read a lesson and not stop. So look at the outside world, the temperature of man up to 16 years ago.

Yet he dared to make this theme more civil. In Schweiz zum Beispiel, the Bund Werbungen für Süssigkeiten verbiet, een Kinder zu schützen. Solche actions can be carried out for Nestlé.

Health, Part II

Large companies can take action in the Sparte Health Science, which contains vitamin and aftercare products. Der Bereich is idiosyncratic because it is all the general trends in the sale of goods, but it is a long time untouched. Due to IT problems that are related to vitamin products, the integration of the best solutions of a certain time and resources can support.

In the Health Products area, Nestlé is subject to its enhanced regulatory requirements. The latest products are used when it comes to sales and the best product knowledge. Setting high offers and erasing the validity of health concerns was the market introduction of new product requirements and can be conveyed.

The water house

Water, a seemingly product, brings Nestlé to a bigger problem. Many global criticisms have led to the privatizations and the mysterious water streams could be privatized and that these could yield more and more products.

If you encounter Verfehlungen im In- and near Ausland: So you have to start the years abroad, then in the Switzerland and in France there are a number of illegal scam methods for natural mineral washers. If there are beans in a French kitchen, make sure that the mineral water from Perrier and Vittel is cleaned again.

The heat is likely and complicated, and not everything can become a nest as a sunbock. But it is certain: Das Wassergeschäft is no longer particularly attractive to Nestlé. Laurent Freixe is one of the most important things he can do, while he is no longer true on the clothesline.

Baby care

Nestlé is one of the flight repairers of Säuglingsnahrung. One of the employees of the NGO Public Eye is a fresh criticism: In a message, the organization said that in Schwellen- and Entwicklungsländern the sweating Zucker would become war, which would be the case with the European Necklaces without falling. That’s double standards, criticism of Public Eye. Schliesslich rühme sich Nestle damit, dass seine Säuglingsnahrung keinen Zucker enthalte.

Nestlé hat with wider spruces. Man verkaufe in alle Ländern Getreidebreie met een ohne Zugesetzten Zucker. The international best immunity to baby nahrung is the Zusatz from Zucker to one of the erased.

The consumer whistle

Long war Nestlé’s competitors have always been a step ahead. Life expectancy can cause more or less damage by the pandemic and who will feel in the times of high inflation rates and suppression of the charity situation. But then the group came out of the Tritt. Consumerism left and Nestlé could no longer perform the analysis of analysts.

Internally, Nestlé has lost its life in the last quarters of the market and its competitors, because they have made more offensive attacks in the war. The head of the new CEO-freixe would now be, the group again on Wachstum are trimmen. There are many market-conform profits, which are compensated by the strong brands of Nestlé that are in the operating Abläufen. The long term is the most important guarantee of a back payment contract, that is to say the sales volumes.

Featured Actions

Can the investors’ turnover be won by the investors? It is urgently needed. In the letter the message has become clear. The action takers assume that a year will not go in one direction: nach unten.

Daran could not see the half-yearly checks at the end of July. Because it was a peculiar intestine, Nestlé was one of the few who had it. The negative reaction in the market is also for all the people who take the action in the life cycle that has been lost.

Laurent Freixe will now create new clarity. Violations are a new way of thinking – and a lot of effort to package.