
Rolfes: Champions League mode is based on Spitzenclubs

Rolfes: Champions League mode is based on Spitzenclubs

dpa Leverkusen. How can the top clubs and the rest of the league be used differently during the new Champions League mode? Bayer sports chief Rolfes looks positively at the tension in the title race.

Photo: Rolf Vennenbernd/dpa

Rolfes: Champions League mode is based on Spitzenclubs

Simon Rolfes looks ahead to the new season.

Bayer Leverkusen’s Sports Director Simon Rolfes played a new role in the new Champions League mode and the new Club World Cup, marking a fresh start for the top clubs in the game with the Bundesliga football at a standstill.

“The economics of the individual Clubs became stronger than ever, the Wahrscheinlichkeit for Heritage Steigt. In the Bundesliga it is exciting, an exciting match on the Tablelenspitze, when the standard occupation teams get going again – that’s how it is for the fans and those who like them, like Rolfes from the “Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung”.

Zukünftig will become an art league system in the Champions League with even more participants in the bisherigen group stage played. In those seasons, Leverkusen of FC Bayern Munich, VfB Stuttgart, Borussia Dortmund and RB Leipzig is a fact. “Men see in other countries: An attractive Spitze is now, as four, nice for clubs that regularly play in the Champions League games. Now it is possible, the German Meisterschaft will last longer,” says Rolfes.

Rolfes no longer has access to the League

Before the first Bundesliga season played the new national ball, a man’s access to the top spot in the Bundesliga has become so far. Für Leverkusen is a place among the best Four of the Soul.

The double victory of the Vorsaison has “lost the Bremse in the Club, pulverized this irgendwie lähmende Befindlichkeit, which was always über the Club”, so Rolfes. This setze contains free energy. It is a “wonderful book” that we have created. I am Supercup against Stuttgart, the fact is that it is new. “We want new players and new spirits.”

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