
Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: Absage and Dreierbündnis – Thering Attackiert Tschentscher

Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: Absage and Dreierbündnis – Thering Attackiert Tschentscher

Hamburg & Schleswig-Holstein
Absage an Dreierbündnis – Thering attacks Tschentscher

Hamburg Mayor Peter Tschentscher will follow the Bürgerschaftswahl in the summer with the greener governments. The CDU has put an Absage on a Dreierbündnis. Dort is a man who works.

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – Hamburg CDU leader Dennis Thering has helped Mr. Peter Tschentscher of the mayor Peter Tschentscher in the kitchen of the bourgeoisie in the kitchen. The SPD police officer of the CDU has taken control, says “anmaßend”, the country and parliamentary group leaders of the German press agency. The Aussage Tschentschers, for a Dreierbündnis as mayor not to stand for Verfügung zu stand, is “befremdlich”.

“If Peter Tschentscher keine Lust hat, Bürgermeister in een Dreierkoalition zu sein, thenn is a personal Entscheidung,” says Thering. “Aber at the end of the days, my husband with my surroundings, was the Hamburgerinnen and Hamburger gewählt haben. Von daher finde ich das befremdlich.” Nach der Wahl müsse ich Tschentscher en seinen Aussagen messenger lassen. “Man dare to be in favor of Democrats was not out of the blue. Deshalb hat sich der Bürgermeister aus meiner Sicht auch keinen Gefallen damit getan.”

Tschentscher hatte im Gespräch with der dpa de Regieungsfähigkeit der CDU erneut infrage gestellt and dies mit der Ablehnung wichtiger Project who dem plant Einstieg der Großreederei MSC beim städtischen Hafenlogistiker HHLA and der Wohnungsbaupläne in Oberbillwerder begründet. Statistics speak of a fortification of Rot-Grün. A Dreierbündnis with its mayor creates an Absage effect.

Thering nennt Tschentschers Kritik und CDU “anmaßend”

“I have discovered that the opposition mayor has taken over, we will get the criticism of the MSC/HHLA deal – so who are all the experts from the Port,” says Thering.

The same applies to the plans in Oberbillwerder, to the district assembly selection that has more Mehrheit more in Bergedorf. “If the Bergedorferinnen and Bergedorfer are a clear example, this is a very large project that is not so wanted.”

At the end, the Hamburgerinnen and the Hamburger were separated, but they were governed again and again. “The Bezirkswahl has said, the insulting character of the struggle against Arbeit is always awaited.” The beginning of the Union became bigger, the Wahrscheinlichkeit an Regierungswechsels. “It is good that this puts an end to a coalition of the SPD and the Green Republic. Then there will be a further celebration of the Bürgermeisters for the Greens,” said Thering.

Deutlich more Schnittmengen bei CDU and SPD as with the Greens

The CDU was given a small coalition sauce. Say the following: “It is a German attempt to mix the CDU and the SPD with the Greens. Daraus mache ich kein Geheimnis”, said Thering. When it comes to that, it is so that “where most people no longer have money for a flying company, for more security and a strong Wirtschaft”.

There is no unsatisfaction with the rotten-green Senate, “also the unsatisfaction with the mayor grows”, as the CDU leader. “If you have put a glove in a Dreikampf, the mayor can go no further than having a secretly decorated hat with the green color.”

Die wiederholten Festlegung Tschentschers mache zudem deutlich: “Einen wirklichen Politikwechsel – weg vom rot-greenen weiter so – gibt es nur mit der CDU.”