
Veranstaltungen am Wochenende in Schleswig-Holstein, 24.8.2024 and 25.8.2024

Veranstaltungen am Wochenende in Schleswig-Holstein, 24.8.2024 and 25.8.2024

Keel. Enjoy a visit to the Fledermauszentrum Noctalis in Segeberg, visit the Kreide das Pflaster des Schwentineplatzes and experience some of the musical highlights – while living in the Nordes you can enjoy concerts, Fledermäuse and other stages in a certain atmosphere: Auch in the summer holidays you can enjoy a wonderful experience a Veranstaltungen in Schleswig-Holstein. Wash it Sonnabend, August 24, and Sonntag, August 25, in Schleswig-Holstein zu experience life, learn Sie in unseren Tipps.

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“Batnight” at Kalkberg in Segeberg

During the „European Night of Fledermäuse“ the Noctalis Fledermauszentrum in Bad Segeberg will be held at the end of the week of „Batnight“. It is a complete program for the whole family. Ben Samstag, August 24, at 8:15 PM there is a Fledermaus-Abendexkursion in the boot or the fuß at 8:30 p.m. angeboten. It is a notification of a notification. The ticket costs jewels 15 Euro. Ben Sunday August 25, it is a colorful program from 11am to 5.30pmfor everything for children. View the sale without costs, others are a registration or cost registration.

Außerdem haben die Jäger der Nacht noch bis Sunday August 25Visit of spiders, scorpions and bizarre insects. The animals can be found in the cellar lap of the Fledermauszentrums and do not let you spend in the terrarium. This is beleuchtet. If the Dunkelheit des Raumes has a different atmosphere, it is worth it. The special exhibition is not normal for the experience exhibition included.

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Kreidefestival in Plön

Ben Saturday August 24thfrom 6. Kreidefestival on the Schwentineplatz in Plön on the Beine gestellt. It is a malwettbewerb with the motto „Wohn fährst du kleines Segelboot?“. Die Malkünstler können from 11am to 2pm das Pflaster met zijn motivation bemalen. The Kreide money is free of charge for Ort. Register when you are in the Veranstaltungstag. A lone artist is used in the alternative way, which lasts up to 14 years. Mixed teams in the change up to 14 years have a chance of winning. The siege is at 15 o’clock. The more money is one of the most diverse creative programs.

Sehenswerte Ausstellungen in the Museum of Schleswig-Holstein

Nicht nur bei schlechtem Wetter since die Ausstellungen in de Museen des Nordens always een Ausflug true. The Ausstellung Nordart in Büdelsdorf beispielsweise lockt noch bis 6. Oktober auf 100.000 Quadratmetern Fläche – geöffnet hat sie Sonnabend and Sonntag from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Auch das Künstlerhaus in Heikendorf shows an Ausstellung name “Künstlercolony Nidden – Grinding in the open nature” in summer on Leinwänden end. Sonnabend is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sonntag from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. revealed.

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Kulturfestival on Kleinflecken Neumünster

After a long day of living in the Großflecken in Neumünster in a beach volleyball court, start these sessions Wednesday the cultural festival “polychrom Diagonale” on the Kleinflecken, on September 1st. Sunnabend, August 24it will be a competition at 5 pm open net. Es gibt in eenem großen Zelt zwei Workshop-Bereiche, Bühne für Konzerte, Sofaecke and Bar. On the Vorplatz there is a sandbox with a hammock tower for children to build up. All are loaded only once, with no sign-up and full fees.

Erster Wahlstorfer Musiksontag

Ben Sunday August 25together with the Wahlstorfer Musiksonntag a buntes Nachmittags- en Abendprogramma. From 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Small and large guests can experience games, spas and music in cultural settings. Beispielsweise können die Gäste auf der Wiese mit Blick auf den Lanker See picnicking. Dafür was purchased for Speisen and Getränke for Ort. Cards or picnic boxes can be sent by email to [email protected]. Use the map in the Plöner Buchhandlung Schneider and the Preetzer Bücherstube.

Jews Tag Silvester in Bad Segeberg

Die Band Jeden Tag Silvester from Bad Oldesloe comes am Saturday August 24thnach Bad Segeberg in the Kalkberg-Oase. You play songs from your new album “Foto” and connect your everyday life as four young years with the stage. The open-air concert is free of charge and starts from 8 pm. A spending hut has rum, the people were collected for the Kulturverein Oase.

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Nimm Platz Konzert in the Ansgarkirche Kiel

Der Kieler Sänger and Songwriter Mojia come to Samstag, August 24, at 4pm in the Ansgarkirche is one of the best musical instruments in the world. The Einsatz of a Loopstation has combined the live music of Beatbox, music and effects. Begleitet is a friend of DJ. The Concert is free of charge.

Pirate spectacle in Kiel-Dietrichsdorf

Ben Samstag, August 24, at 11 a.m The Pirate Spectacle starts in Kiel-Dietrichsdorf. For the city library in Langen Rehm entsteht a Seeräubernest zum Staunen and resources for the entire family. until 5 pm wollen the Pirates are very uncomfortable. This is an underdeveloped program. The final journey is free of charge.

Baltic Open Air 2024 in Busdorf near Schleswig

Bereits am Mittwoch that the Baltic Open Air 2024 started in Busdorf near Schleswig an der Schlei. Bis Saturday August 24thRock and metal fans can enjoy their favorite music. The tag is a headline act at the start: The Bosshoss comes to the Norden. These music lessons are at the festival verschiedene events and the traditional Wikingerdorf erkunde.

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No ticket yet, find it on the homepage of the festivals at The day tickets start at 87 Euro. The ticket for the regular Wednesday costs 147 Euro.

Rendsburger Autumn 2024

Der 48. Rendsburger Herbst 2024 steht bevor, begin am Freitag en läuft bis Sunday August 25The city festival includes a limited program with live music, cultural boats and many activities, which extend from the Obereiderhafen to the Paradeplatz. A ticket costs money for the euro and is a good price for the whole week.

Bootshafensommer 2024: Free Concert in Kiel

This and that Wednesday If the opportunity arises, on the schwimmenden Bühne at Bootshafenzomer in the Kieler Innenstadt Bands from different genres in the field of music. The Abschluss des Bootshafensommers will give an advantage. Ben Sunnabend, August 24, It is possible to play the Bands Mojo Riot and Comiedmen in the Auftritt. There are cover songs of Mitsingen who appeared as guest.

Ben Sunday August 25starts on 18. Kieler Entenlopen. The large plastics of the sponsors will be delivered in Wasser at 1.30 pm. At 2 p.m. there will be more than 3,000 swimming pools, which will complete a 100-meter long stretch of swimming paths. Wer für dieser Enten a Rennlizenz kaufft hat, kann mitfiebern. Neben Musik, Tanz and Entenlopen give a cultural program with creative workshops, so who can create a unique taste from fish brötchen to a vegan crepe. Der Erlös des Benefiz-Rennens soll dem Verein “Trauernde Kinder Schleswig-Holstein” zugutekommen.

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Welche Freibäder in Kiel and region has geöffnet?

If we are in that period for a while, it can no longer be that a large free time is like that. If you are in the river and the spa in Schwimmen and the plans of schauern and the temperature nicht verderbent, you will find here an overview of the geöffnetenfreibäder in Kiel and the region.

Festivities in Kiel am Sonnabend, August 24

You can live together in different clubs in Kiel. Welche Parties laufen am Saturday August 24th? A choice:

  • Traum GmbH (Grasweg 19): “Ü30 Holiday & Ü30 Rock”, Start: 10 PM, Eintritt 10 Euro.
  • Anna (Kaistraße 54-56): “Summer XXL Special”, Start: 10 PM, End: 8 Euro.
  • Sieve & Triangle (Lorentzdamm 6-8): “Afterjams – Midnight Yachtrock”, Start: 6 PM, End: 10 Euro.
  • Luna Club (Bergstraße 17a): “Tobolocious All Night Long”, Einlass 23.59 Uhr, Eintritt: etwa 5 Euro.
  • Max Night Theatre (Eichhofstraße 1): “Unnormal – Everything außer normal”, Start: 11 p.m., End: 8 Euro.

Flohmärkte am Wochenende in Schleswig-Holstein

Feilschen and Bummeln on the Flohmarkt? This is true of the Trödelmärkten in Schleswig-Holstein. We can see in our overview, wed at the Wochenende Flohmarkt in SH ist.

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We wish all the students and enjoy a beautiful living experience!