
Kamala Harris: Democrats don’t want patriotism in the Republican supergroups

Kamala Harris: Democrats don’t want patriotism in the Republican supergroups

The new self-determination of the democrats spürt man auch an other stelle. When we encounter “USA, USA”, in the songs for Harris’ Auftritt hat das Publikum kleine USA-Fähnchen geschwenkt en Living in America sung. Then the American flags of freiwilligen Helfern are lowered in the green West in the Stadium. The public feels the candidacy, when you say, it is “the great privilege and the great Stolz, an American in your signal”.

Concepts of freedom and patriotism will no longer bring Democrats into Republican dominance. If you are in the vergang of the Wochen, in the Harris with Erfolg, there is a kind of Wort setzte: “Freedom”. It is a connection with political politics: die Freiheit, zu lieben, wen man möchte, die Freiheit, sauberes Wasser zu trinken, die Freiheit, zu wählen. Auch in ihrer Rede auf dem Participation kommen solche Beispiele vor, aber nur kurz.

It is another Erzählung, the Harris is now in power: the only others, the older America. “I am a nation that is prepared to accept it,” he says. “If that Wahl has the precious opportunity, that bitterness, the zynismus and the grabenkämpfe behind us zu lassen!” Politics will put an end to wieder gut anfühlen. Besser als die Spaltung, die Donald Trump ins Amt halved and they themselves are more prominent.

Harris spoke deutlich about Trump, that “unseriösen Mann”, in that 40-minute speech. “Man, ask yourself, who is the immense Befugnisse of the President of the United States?” says Harris. “Nicht, um euer Leben zu bessern!” Diesen Job will see machen, as “Kamala Harris for the people“. One Schwur, said Harris, when he appeared as a state attorney Tag for the purpose: Kamala Harris for the people. One for everything.

“Wint Kamala, won America”

So it is that the prominent presidential candidate, the Harris in the fight against his evil hatred – the Clintons and the Obamas, the Talkmaster of Oprah Winfrey and the Schauspieler in Kerry Washington. Dere Botschaft: If the Republicans are now busy, Trump happily zu machen. If it is a challenge, then look at the machine, that Wähler. “Win Kamala, win America”, so shaped by Washington.

When it comes, Harris will no longer be on a roll, until that next night. If you yourself make a few white costs, it is a dark blue. If you do not have your identity as a black and Asian-American woman, you can no longer mumble with your mother, it is a fact that you have no right to debts, but it is like that every day again. Or abused women, for their right as the state bank has kampämpft. Other women, who on the Krankenhausparkplatz a Fehlgeburt have, weil a man in a Schwangerschaftsabbruch verweigerte.

“Black”, this Word does not appear in his speech in any way. It was intensely interesting, if the party was a racist and an uninterested threat. One of the last trips before Harris was the “Central Park Five”, a man from New York City, the paths of a jogger were unfairly divided and spent 13 years in prison.

Currently about race One relic that Harris defines is the help of the family. “The Strength of the Middle Ages is a separated Soul of my Presidency being,” he says. “It is a personal affair, which comes from the middle term. If there is a euch, I know a problem – it is the Botschaft, which dies in the Sätzen-steckt.