
Bereits über 430 Fälle – Expert reports on new symptoms

Bereits über 430 Fälle – Expert reports on new symptoms

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Bereits über 430 Fälle – Expert reports on new symptoms
In the Canadian province of New Brunswick, many young people have been affected by a neurological examination. However, the search for the emergency was blocked. © Montage: Westend61/Imago

A quote has been broken in New Brunswick, Canada. Plane zur Untersuchung wurden abgeblasen – Einheimische vermuten Verschleierung.

New Brunswick – Take a look at the Canadian Province of New Brunswick through a secret Illness-secret analysis. This is now backed up by an article from the New York Times (Newspaper) ins Disaster Light. The seriousness of the problem as the ‘New Brunswick neurological syndrome of unknown etiology’ can be caused by incomprehensible symptoms and problems with young people.

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Dr. Alier Marrero, a neurologist, in the article of the News zitiert is, has discussed for years patients, who search for answers. There is a message that soon half of the disease is, which shows symptoms with hallucinations, weight gain, lust motor tension or demenz and in the future, which will be found in the future. There is a first step in the direction of Zwanziger or Dreißigern. Marrero could not make a clear diagnosis, but nevertheless suggested that it could be the Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease (CJK). There is mention of the fall of an overload system for the Krankheitsausbrüche.

Laut Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) deals with a selected Hirnerkrankung at CJK, which goes through the schwammartige interests of the gehirns. Spiritual and motoric tensions are a fact.

An expert group from the Public Health Agency of Canada found the error, which has been clarified News if you use the Schluss, it is a matter of an unanswered Krankheit-trade – not even CJK. The patients all suffer from their disease, while the environmental factors have got the Krankheit ausgelöst.

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In New Brunswick it is all the Hummerfischerei groß – but Investigators are ready for an alarm. So if you do more research on Nervenpoison BMAA (Beta-methylamino L-alanine) in the Scales-Tieren. These can cause neurological problems. Put the vermin glyphosate in the burner of the fachleute. These were used in the Land- and Forestry in New Brunswick.

I am Frühjahr 2021 gab es laut dem Artikel in der News Planes, air, water and soil in New Brunswick are subordinate to a state-owned company. However, these Planes were acquired. The ground: The province had considered that tourism and fishing are the profitable economic swindles, with Dr. Marrero in the article. The aim is that it is not possible with the world to increase the catastrophic consequences of this sector.

“There has been no investigation into the discovery that the province has disseminated,” said Kat Lanteigne, the founder of the nonprofit BloodWatch and a New Brunswick woman.

Capture of the Dead from New Brunswick was probably less vulnerable

If the guilt of affected persons is affected, it is clear that the pain can count on the illness with Krebs or Alzheimer’s disease. The problem that arises is that there are problems and that the affected diagnosis is made – the problem is that they are prepared for others to be treated as false.

Laugh the News It is a matter of attention for all affected patients. I will be happy with it until 430 hours (as of August 23, 2024). Of those 111 to 45 years and 39 years, people were robbed. First at the end of 2023, a mysterious lung disease emerged in China. (BeBau/asc)