
Karl Lauterbach: The Verantwortung for the Aufarbeitung lies with Lauterbach

Karl Lauterbach: The Verantwortung for the Aufarbeitung lies with Lauterbach

The logistics service providers in the Münsterland can save the pandemic one of the most important transport and transport costs. You can mask the company function directly at the Ministry. The special thing about the family number is: It originates from the home of the former Minister. One of the owner wars is active in the Wirtschaftsrat of the CDU. Politicians in the Münsterland report that the family of the CDU no longer exists in the region. Stellvertretender Vorsitzender of the CDU District Associations Münsterland war damas and is so far: Jens Spahn.

The ZEIT has received information about the beauty of the fight and the desire for its own Monaten-een Vermerking, in the Vergabe vom Ministerium-documentiert war during the summer of 2020 during the Ministerium de Herausgabe. Only in that summer will the research become clearer, when that brand name becomes war. The current situation in the ministry has set a false date to the document.

When Karl Lauterbach goes to the ministeriums in the federal government in July with the masks, it will be one of those Vergabe and Fiege. Lange hatte sich Lauterbach and its Vorhaben content, no schlechtes Wort über seinen Vorgänger Spahn zu verlieren. Nun änderte is signal Vorgehen. The first best Lauterbach in the Sitzung, the Auftrag and Fiege direkt von Jens Spahn, can be regarded as a year of the Ministerium that is no longer woolen.

Moreover, the information provided by Minister Lauterbach in the Sitzung befragt, vom Linkenabgeordneten Ates Gürpinar. So stop with a Vertrauliches Protokoll of Sitzung-fest, that is the ZEIT-vorliegt. Lauterbach beste demnach die Rückdatierung. The background, it seems that all this is not possible. There was first a report from the ZEIT time that the previous brand name has grown into a whole new brand.

The written instructions of the ministers have ended up in a Monat später. If you execute the direct debit, you can no longer mix it up.

The progress is complicated. Unbestritten aber ist Folgendes: Der Vermerk, um den es geht, war am 3. December 2020 vom zstandändigen Abteilungsleiter angefertigt zijn – als meer als een halbes Jahr nach dem Auftrag an Fiege. Anschließend aber wurde a zweite Version der Vermerks erstellt, dieses Mal mit dem Datum 6. April 2020. There would also be backdating. This version is from the Ministerium in the Anschluss der ZEIT. The peculiarity is that there is a time documentation. Vermutlich sollte das vasche Datum verschleiern, dass der Vermerk in Wahrheit first erstellt in Dezember.

In the Stellungnahme and the Abgeordneten des Ausschusses, die der ZEIT previous, das Ministerium nown alldings gab another Erklärung. If internal people are confronted with the festivities, it will be “Vergabe nicht korrekt” wiedergegeben sei, heißt es. The notice that the mark is being reproduced is “recorded on the Deeds with the Date ‘6.4.20’”.

This Darstellung does not last longer, the brand is shortened and is viewed a few times. After information of the TIME both versions of the brands are identical, they are not separated from each other on the date.

In the Frage der ZEIT, where the Ministerium sits in the port of Stellungnahme, and the Abgeordneten keep it secret, antwortet der Pressesprecher des Ministeriums nicht. Statistical data appeared at the July ZEIT – one of the highest mountain ranges even before the Ministerium of the Stellungnahme.

This is opaque before the ministers have helped Minister Lauterbach. The masks, the false date, the free translation of Aufträgen – that is the historical separation of the houses. The government works together with the aftercare and the management organization of the government, which lies in the government of the active ministers.

If you inform one of the health ministers of the schleppening control, you have to make a wort ever wieder. It is lautet: Kontinuität.

Many officials, who were in the first weeks of the pandemic and the critical consequences of the pandemic, are still not in the post at the ministry. The current state secretary is no longer dependent on Minister Spahn. The Department Leader, the brand of false information, is not one of the other positions. And then the press speaker that Lauterbach von Spahn takes over. Those who suffer divorces, should now help, clarify. An interesting construction, one of the most interesting.

It is more difficult to determine which role Minister Karl Lauterbach plays. If you fill in your details, if you are aware of the information yourself, you can no longer inform it. Or if you want to add a larger quantity, this is also important.