
Hrubesch-Nachfolger Wück started with Begeisterung

Christian Wück-War nor Richt as new Bundestrainer, went to the Lichter in the Presseraum of the German Fußball-Bundes. The 51 year old nachfolger von Horst Hrubesch nahm es with a Lächeln hin. Ausgestattet met een Vertrag bis Ende 2026 tritt er seinen ersten Job as Chefcoach an Frauen-Teams an. „I am very happy, that the Unterschiede is not so great since. Play on grünem Rasen. We live in peace,” says Wück.

USA, England and Spain are the Maßstab

“Christian has said, that the title can be won,” said DFB Sports Director Nia Künzer at the Wücks Präsentation on the DFB Campus in Frankfurt/Main – two days after the Bronze Winning of the Fußballerinnen at Olympia. The male U17 players play in the German Bundesliga-Stürmer, including at 1. FC Nürnberg and the Karlsruher SC, play for a year with EM and WM Triumph-geführt. Jetzt will leave the German woman, who will not be present in the Weltspitze establishments after WM 2023 in Australia or Debakel.

“If we have a difference, it is a three Mannschaften, which neither for one stehen”, explanation of the Unterfranke from Gänheim with a look at the Weltrangliste. Hinter Olympiasieger USA, Europameister England and Weltmeister Spanien convened the DFB-Team aktuell Rank four.

Delay your arrival until the next day WM

Gegen England will make his debut on October 25 during the Test match at London’s Wembley Stadium. The first Heimspiel follows the Tage-später in Duisburg in Australia. For the DFB-Auswahl steht as biggest Turnier in the summer of the Europameisterschaft in der Schweiz, the next WM findet 2027 in Brazil statt – after Wücks Vertragsende.

“I’m happy with my work, so I’ll be happy with my relationships,” says Wück, “it’s for me to have a great experience, and I’ll be willing to train for a national national team.” There is glaube, that “uncanny fell potential” in this Team Stecke. If the Grundstein knows that the potential is final, it could be one of the following: “Woollen and details will have a playful sequel.”

Meinert and Bartusiak Co-Trainers

Unterstützt wird von two erolgreichen Fußballerinnen: Maren Meinert (51), Weltmeisterin von 2003 and erolgreiche Nachwuchstrainerin, including Saskia Bartusiak (41), Weltmeisterin von 2007 and Olympiasiegerin von 2016, and those new assistants. Torwarttrainer bleibt who schon ex-Bundestrainer Martina Voss-Tecklenburg and under Hrubesch Michael Fuchs.

We could use the Pfosten Stehen at the DFB-Women, it’s a bad attack. “For me there are two numbers one”, it said. It’s a great time to spend the summer with the tall stalwart of Merle Frohms from VfL Wolfsburg on the bench and Ann-Katrin Berger from US-Club NJ/NY Gotham FC a spectacular Turner ermöglicht.

“It’s still bright and clear: It was a great Entscheidung von Horst Hrubesch,” said 51-year-old Wück and lobbed Zugleich Berger’s Anteil to Olympia-Bronze. This is a game that plays on a platz, an elevenmeter in the nachspielzeit and damn in the German 1:0 version is Spanish gerettet.

New chance for Torhüterin Merle Frohms

“But Merle Frohms is number one for me. We will naturally analyze the whole thing,” said Wück. At Olympia, the fourth final of Canada has started all German matches, which are played at the national team.

Never again a new Chief Coach from Zukunft from Kapitänin Alexandra Popp (33) and Abwehrchef Marina Hegering (34). The Players of VfL Wolfsburg hate after Olympia matches, with their international Karriere fortress sets. “I know, we have such a tendency,” said Wück and my friends in the media: “Specials are very nice.”

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