
Unfall: Last wagon stürzt von Brücke on Bahngleise

Unfall: Last wagon stürzt von Brücke on Bahngleise

A einem Bahnhof in Kerpen westlich von Köln is a Lastwagen of a Brücke on Gleise gestürzt. Der Fahrer has sucked itself into the accident and died late Police provided Who they were, war would be unclear. A high level of tension on the railway line would be damaged by the customer. The affected railway line would certainly be blocked.

After the police of the police has left, the load wagon arrived at 11.50 o’clock on a Überführung of the Fahrbahn, the Brückengeländer through the brach and on the Gleise stürzte. Why is that comb, still unclear, say a word about a question. It can happen that something happens.