
Wahlen in Deutschland: So würde die Start-up-Szene wählen

Wahlen in Deutschland: So würde die Start-up-Szene wählen

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Sonntagsfrage: So würden Start-up-Gründer wählen

Persons und a Tisch im Büro

Heute würden Start-up-Gründer völlig diferent wählen als nor voor de vergangen Bundestagswahl

© Zoonar II / IMAGO

The subpolitical Vorlieben of Start-up-Gründern are stable, look at the Ergebnisse des Start-up-Monitors. Trotzdem loser de Regierungsparteien, für AfD und BSW gibt is kaum Zustimmung

The start-up sector can hint for a year: Gestiegene Zinsen and Energy prices, a Bürokratieschungel and a stagnating Wirtschaft are the Stimmung at Gründerinnen and Gründern in Deutschland at the kühlenlassen. One of the active companies of the Deutschen Industrie- und Handelskammer (DIHK) is the interest and the company that fell to the ground in 2010.

Trotzdem bleiben Gründerinnen und Gründer, die van de Befragung des Deutschen Start-up-Verbands zur Political Sonntagsfrage teilgenommen haben, bij die Parteipolitike Präferenzen stabil. The Regierungsparteien SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP have lost almost 11.4 votes in the past. Anders is in the Gesamtbevölkerung and thinks AfD and BSW kaum Zustimmung. The memories in detail:

Green weiter vorne, Union und Volt Gewinner

With 41.3 percent, the Greens are ready and the Spitze. If you are with the Greens in the Start-up Monitor, with the best power, then lose a comparison to the previous 4.9 percent points. This belief has come in the course of 2022 in the belief that the distribution is absolutely more truthful.

Follow the FDP with 21.4 percent and a Verlustiging of 5 percent points. In the report of the Bundestagswahljahr 2021, the 10.1 percent points, war of 2018 is not credible as the Greens.

Graphical Cover Results

Dargestellt wie nur parteien, die in de Befragung zum Deutschen Startup Monitor 2024 mindestens 5 Prozent erreicht haben. Umphagezeitraum war Mitte June to Mitte August 2024


If this is the case, a winner is made. One of the unions from the CDU/CSU is the 15.8 percent and a Plus of 4 percent points with the most powerful Kraft. On the Platz four follows the Pro-Europe Party Volt with 6.7 percent. With 5.2 percent points is the strongest winner in the selection of Start-up Monitors.

The Start-up-Verband continues this development since 2013 in Germany. If you like the industry’s largest immunoassay, this is not representative. Diesen Sommer nahmen more als 1800 Gründer und Geschäftsführende teil.

SPD abgeschlagen, AfD and BSW not in the Bundestag

Abgeschlagen ist 2024 de Kanzlerpartei SPD, which is with 5.5 Prozent gerade so over the Fünf-Prozent-Hürde buy. If you are now aware of the fact that your Start-up Gründern in the Verleidingenheit has not made any major investments.

“The start-up issue has begun, but I am sure that the SPD can use more Gründerinnen and Gründer überzeugen and earn my money,” said Verena Hubertz at Capital. It is a great faction of the SPD in the Bundestag and how you can use the Kitchenstories platform. “Social democracy is beyond the individuality of the start-up DNA, but it is a promising and promising thing – a dissolution of the Elternhaus or the Bildungsstand,” said Hubertz.

It is often the case that Gründer is often billed as the rest of the recruited population. It is possible to understand the reframing of the AfD and BSW. Both do not buy the five percent hurdle in the Start-up Monitor: The AfD, suspected of being a right-wing extremist, comes to 3 percent, the BSW to 1.4 percent.

Populist parties are a study by the Deutschen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW) that are mainly focused on, where the alternatives are so high and the unified and the Bildung low sind. Among the Gründern lies the Academic antelope of the Start-up Association which is at 85 Percent and is very expensive. In the Gesamtbevölkerung the Federal Agency for Labor is now a foursome of the Erwbstätigen an academic Abschluss.

Financing and Zuwanderung have a number of themes for start-ups

Other parties try to address the themes that are politically relevant for start-ups. If you want to investigate all the fragments of a financing and innovation, this is a start-up monitor. It became a German Wahlverhalten.

AfD and BSW want to do everything in the East German states. Most start-ups will be founded in Berlin, North Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria in the coming years, while the Datenbank Start-up-Detector is a. The country Mecklenburg-Vorpommern hinges on the Letzten Platz, on Thuringia and Saxony-Anhalt as a letzten funf.

The pollution of the DIHK is not effective, it is active in the gesamten Republik that motivates man, one of the ways in which he is gründen. The last war of 2010 was interesting because it was as light as it was. The fact that the verb brings enormous costs and the financial rules of Dickicht, which reduce the sense of pleasure abroad.

Auch der Gründungsstandort Deutschland wird in der Umfrage wiederholt schlechter bewertet, with a debt note of durationschnittlich 3.6. Three four parts of the fragments are about the faster and more regular regular ones. Twee Drittel sprachen sich voor een infacheres Steuerrecht aus, außerdem gab es laut der DIHK Forderungen after einem besseren Zugang zu öffentlichen Fördermitteln and nach niedrigeren Energy prices.