
Vonovia Action in Grün: Vonovia can celebrate the first Fortschritte at Verkauf von Pflegeheimen | 23.08.24

Vonovia Action in Grün: Vonovia can celebrate the first Fortschritte at Verkauf von Pflegeheimen | 23.08.24

Another part of the sale was “still closed in the summer”, reports the Handelsblatt with Verweis about the Finanz- and Branchenkreise. Favorites for the Kauf are Finanzinvestoren from Asia.

Speaker of Vonovia and of the Tochter Deutsche Wohnen, bei de Pflegeheim-Portfolio angesiedelt ist, wollten the Message Dow Jones Newswires gegenüber not comments.

Vonovia boss Rolf Buch had in July at the International Club of Frankfurt Economic Journalists (ICFW) that in terms of transactions “in the summer (…) something quieter” was, in Herbst the group “sold another 1.9 billion euros, perhaps a lot more”. In the year 2024, it is the case that the purchase of a product generates a turnover of 3 billion euros. The liquidity that is created will be a debt. If a property were to be sold for 1.5 million euros for a year, it would generate an amount of 485 million euros, which starts generating money.

Although the Pflegeheim Portfolio portfolio has never been published with an investment presentation of 800 million euros, a part of the portfolios starts a year for a turnover of 100 million euros. Vonovia has placed the Pflege-Portfolio Mitte 2022 as a non-core business for sale. If you buy the Pflegeheim Portfolio in a smaller package sale, it is possible that you cannot finance a buyer for the Pflegeheim Portfolio.

In XETRA trading, the Vonovia share is worth 1.13 percent at 30.33 euros.
