
Preisverleihung von Teresa: Weltmeister kommen zur Enke-Gala | Sport

Preisverleihung von Teresa: Weltmeister kommen zur Enke-Gala | Sport

On Friday morning, the “Mental Health Days” will take place in Hannover.

The threat of the economic crisis of Teresa Enke (48) and the Robert-Enke-Stiftung started the theme of depression. Zur Preisverleihung am Samstagabend fell Fußball-Prominenz erwartet.

Former National Torwart Robert Enke (†32) had turned 47 on Saturday. The Kapitän von Hannover 96 was published on November 10, 2009. There was a war that caused a depression. While Teresa is busy with her foundation for a heavy attack with heavy efforts and dismantling projects for prevention.

For half a million!DAS is the largest Fußball stadium in the world

For half a million: DAS is the largest football stadium in the world

Source: BILD/Populated

A Robert Enkes meeting about the height of the “Mental Health Days”. Teresa works in the Herrenhäuser garden of the “Mental Health Awareness Award”.

Mertesacker and Zieler come forward

In the Gallery with the Berliner Comedy-Star Kurt Krömer (49/ „LOL“) in the Category „Public Life“.

Per Mertesacker (Mitte/ No. 17) and Ron-Robert Zieler (on the left) were 2014 sisters Weltmeister

Per Mertesacker (M./ No. 17) and Ron-Robert Zieler (l.) were 2014 sisters Weltmeister

Photo: photo alliance / Pressefoto ULMER

Zur Gala has coached the Weltmeister Per Mertesacker (38) and Ron-Robert Zieler (35). 96-Kapitän Zieler brings the Tag to the Nord-Kracher to the HSV line Mannschaftsrat-Kollegen Marcel Halstenberg (32, with Ehefrau Franziska), Havard Nielsen (31) and Andreas Voglsammer (32) with.

Erwartet was helped by DFB chairman Bernd Neuendorf (63) by trainer André Breitenreiter (50) and Dieter Hecking (59).

Teresa Enke with AOK-Lower Saxony chief Dr. Jürgen Peter

Teresa Enke with AOK-Lower Saxony chief Dr. Jürgen Peter

Photo: Samantha Franson

The guests of Dr. Jürgen Peter (61), Vorstandsvorsitzender of AOK Niedersachsen, who supports the Veranstaltung said: “It has never been so easy, I have a band like a depression. Deshalb is so important. “

Preisträger Kurt Krömer would do his research to clarify the enormous problems, in the problems of the depression, postponed. In the broadcast of TV-Sendung “Chez Krömer” in 2021 the own Erkrankung was publicly gemacht.

Teresa Enke: “Kurt Krömer is clear in his own art, some art and more than a year ago about his appreciation and was not happy about his work and recovery efforts. Gleichzeitig says it is a path to Mut’s strength and power. We should be able to make our own choices.”

Family completely outdoneIrrer Hotelzimmer-Blick directly in the Fußball Stadium

Family visit: Irrer Hotelzimmer-Blick directly in the stadium

Source: CameraOne