
Rico Krieger: Generalbundesanwalt started Ermittlungen

Rico Krieger: Generalbundesanwalt started Ermittlungen

After the blessing service in the Bundeskanzler has begun, nor with Handschlag am Flughafen. Do the problem with Rico Krieger with the German Justiz.

It is worthwhile to succeed the German Rico Krieger of the Generalbundesanwalt in the Belarusian part of the United States. One of the oldest German Anklagebehörde in Karlsruhe bestätigte am Freitag entsprechende Informationen der “Welt am Sonntag”.

Demnach führt de Bundesanwaltschaft een Ermittlungsverfahren roads des Afangssusdachts des Rebeiführens een Sprengstoffexplosion. We repeat that it is no longer possible to speak further. Krieger war nach seiner Haftentlassung Anfang August wieder in Deutschland gelandet.

The 30-year war in Belarus due to the prelude to terrorism and the Söldnertums to death are being reverted. Some things have begun and in the Rahmen some fantastic countries in Russia and the West in Germany have emerged. Laut “Welt am Sonntag” is one of the 30-year-olds at the “Kastus-Kalinouski-Regiment” in the Ukraine, which had a White Russian volunteer unit, which stopped the Ukrainian fighting force in the fight against the Russian Angriffskrieg.

Laut Kriegers own Aussage gegenüber de Belarusian Behörden is in Belarus with the Ukrainian Secret Service (SBU) hit. These are shot, photos of military vehicles of machines. If you are in a Waldstück geschickt, a backpack is emptied and that one trip to the place made. It is a gemacht. On the night that a Belarusian Secret Service is celebrated.

“I didn’t know what was in the backpack”, said the “World’s War”. There is no explosion re-fired and there is no spark. It is harmless. The White Russian Behörden have started, an explosion has occurred. It is not the intention that no one is injured, but it has become a Sachschaden.

Krieger has worked in the Ukraine as a Sanitäter wollen and dafür seinen Job in Salzgitter. Signal Soul: “Leben retten. Man braucht dort helfende Hände”, says the “Welt”. It’s not like this happens.