
“Weinte vor Freude”: Hirimplantat-Patient spricht fast fehlerfrei mit KI-Stimme

“Weinte vor Freude”: Hirimplantat-Patient spricht fast fehlerfrei mit KI-Stimme

Help an implant can spread an ALS gel Mann with his AI-Stimme again nahezu flying. It is very special that the neuroprosthesis gives a signal, that it is a special piece of art.

Neurosurgeons at the University of California in Davis have discovered a new Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) that can translate the signal with an accuracy of 97 percent into language. According to press release, this is the most precise system-blessed art. A study about this research was published in the “New England Journal of Medicine”.

The Science Teachers and Science Men set in July 2023 the 45-year-old Casey Harrell by implanting a, the time that this time for years an amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) litt. It is a matter of a secret illness, the nervous core, the treatment in the body tax.

Laut the speech speed of patients sunk to 6.8 words per minute. For an English-language display of 160 minutes per minute normal. Harrell can no longer benefit from a gyroscopic Maus, the head movement on a cursor-back ridge, on the photos along the word tip.

Electrodes in the nerves

Find an array. Find an array.

Find an array.

(Photo: Youtube/UC Davis)

The neurosurgeons operate four different arrays from Harrells Hirnhaut. With 256 microelectrodes, the motor signals and the musk of Lippen, Kiefer, Zunge and Kehlkopf can facilitate the normal functioning of the nerve cells. The signals were installed on a computer because they contained a software package. Dies nahezu in Echtzeit, wodurch der Patient mit gewissen Pausen zwischen de Worten annähernd fließend sprechen könne, so

If the patient experiences internal pain, the system is after operating the operation, write die Forscher. After you have trained the BCI in 30 minutes, a wortgenaigkeit of 99.6 percent at a Wortschatz of 50 Wörtern zu ereichen.

“If the system is such that there are only a few experiments, we are for Freude, if the Wörter is a better solution, correct on the phantoms,” says Neurowissenschaftler Sergey Stavisky. All answers are geweint. In addition to the increased potential of 125,000 pounds, the BCI is now 1.4 training dates with a weight of 90.2 hours.

Bisher did not make a price agreement

I think the most commonly used is neuroprosthesis, which means this, said Stavisky’s colleague David Brandman. “Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt wir dat, was Casey zu sagen versucht, in 97 Prozent der Fälle korrekt entschlüsseln. It is better if many commercial Smartphone applications, which versuchen, the Stimme zu interpret a person.” The technology has been gone, while people spread the wool, it is no longer possible, Hoffnung becomes, so Brandman. “I love the technology that allows patients to talk to each other with their family and friends.

Fundamentally, it is not the technology that other patients can use to implant wieder sprechen. Frühere Sprach-BCI-Systeme has the highest quality Wortfehler, Brandon explains. “The power is for the Utilizer system, the mind will develop, and a setlte ein Kommunikationshindernis Dar. Unser Ziel war is, a system that is in the system, it is the Utilizer ermöglicht, as the mind that becomes, when it can spread.”

Own style by KI

Another problem for Harrell is that it is possible to use one’s own voice. When that happened, there was no longer any question of a ghost. The Wissenschaftler trains for the Sprachhausgabe over PC-lautsprecher an AI-Model with a Reason, the Harrells held, before there is an ALS-erkrankte.

Whoever has his function, can see and hear a man in a video of the university. The voice fits optimally, said Harrell. “Sie bring people to wine, which I have not heard for a long time.” There is an honor, if all people are bald, it is so that the Möglichkeit is obtained, a few things you can do, is that you communicate in a different way.

There has never been a time in the Low, Full Time for Climate Protection to Work, says Harrell. A device that works, dies better and more efficiently. “Not being able to communicate is so frustrating and demoralizing,” explains Harrell. “It is, when there are people.” So this technology was affected by people who lived in life and helped in the society.