
Neuer wendet is emotional and the fans

Neuer wendet is emotional and the fans

Manuel Neuer has given his opinion on the German Fußball-Nationalmannschaft with an emotional Schreiben and his fans. “Normally weise mache ich so etwas nicht. If you are a private typical person, then write the Torwart on the portal “The Players’ Tribune”. If you make a divorce, if you are in the DFB-Trikot, you want to write more than now a beitrag on Instagram: „I möchte euch erklären, was Deutschland für mich bedeutet. Was Fußball für mi bedeutet.”

Ausführlich schreibt der 38 Years old Weltmeister von 2014 über die Vergangen Monate nach seinem Beinbruch mit der Rückkehr auf de Platz en schließlich der Heim-EM. “When the war rages in the Kader des Turniers, the war is one of the greatest adventures of my life,” writes FC Bayern’s Torwart. “A small miracle.”

Conversation with family and friends

Nach de Turnier in the Urlaub has spürt a number of positive experiences. “I could spüren, that’s the emotional part of my new world,” Neuer wrote. If there is a greater power, then the WM is 2026. In Turnier in the US, Canada and Mexico there were 40 gewesen. “I am a moment happy in my own business, since no one can look into that situation,” writes Neuer. In Gesprächen mit Freunden und Familie sei seine Entscheidung it became clearer: “That is the right time point.”

There is a chance that you are on the FC Bayern concentrates. “In 38 years I have never had that kind of leadership for the Fußball. If I hit a ball in 20 metres, I would have to do some hin-laufing and damn it. Abstöße, Kopfbälle…irgendetwas,” writes Neuer. First a dem Tag, and that is no longer the case, became a gänzlich aufhören. Signal Schreiben schließt der Torwart with: “I thank you for everything. Euer Torwart-Manu“.