
Putin: Explosive Secret Acts – there was an atomic bomb against Germany

Putin: Explosive Secret Acts – there was an atomic bomb against Germany

Since the start of the fire Ukraine-Kriegs droht Kreml-Chief Wladimir Putin has had to deal with atomic bombs. It will all become a western part of Ukraine. Secret documents can now become clearer as to who they were in their plans. Auch Deutschland war im Visier des Russian Presidents.

++ I find this interesting: Putin is leaving Berlin with the Superwaffen

Putin Plan for Atom Attack

Whoever received the message from the “Financial Times” (FT), Vladimir Putin has attacked the plans for another Western Alliance of Ukraine with atomic bomb heads. The training of the Russian atomic power is going with a flotte. Also areas in Germany are considered secret documents as possible antagonisms of the Russian tyrants. It is worth testing the Einsatzbereitschaft.

Schon häufiger ließ Putin Drohungen with atomaren Schlägen durchsickern. The first order of business of the Russian army was a nuclear weapons organization after the Ukrainian Border. Laut Kreml acted with a “Answer to provoking new ideas and encouraging efforts towards the West”.

Serious Warnings from the Kremlin Chiefs

The seriousness of the seriousness is Putin with his warning. “A Russian Atomwaffeneinsatz could one day make a disk and is no longer available,” said military expert Markus Reisner on the “Bild”. Reisner continues: “Even a novice explorer can take the next step by bringing and showing an atomic escalation flight”.

More news:

Russia currently possesses the world’s great nuclear arsenal. At least 5,580 atomic bombs are the winners of the Stockholm Institute for International Peace Research. If you have a good bomb, there is a great deal of difficulty in destroying it.