
Who is the country fighting the Taliban?

Who is the country fighting the Taliban?

The civil war is in the past, the country is so rough that it does not last for years. If the human rights battle under the Taliban is catastrophic, the political power struggle and the arbitrary party are so great. An overview.

The last day the rulers started with the Taliban on August 15, with a large military parade in Kabul.

The last day the rulers started with the Taliban on August 15, with a large military parade in Kabul.

Salam / Abaca / Image

With the fall of Kabul and the siege of the Taliban, the years of the long civil war in Afghanistan have come to an end. Practically since 1978, there has been no greater fighting in the land of the Hindukush. The Herrschaft der Taliban has been in force for a number of years, and it is a small group that can seize power at an apperceiveable time. This family member has in the West of the Discussion geführt, in Afghanistan, however bad it is, an Afghan refugee zurückschicken zu können.

But what is it called secure? The question is not easy. The answer did not come to the attention of a man, Bauer or Richter, journalist or politician. Security does not mean the same for men as for women. Is it a problem that you cannot get bombing raids or air force flights? Or is it a question of political propaganda and the arbitrariness of the party? Was it with the security that the hunger became so great?

Once in a while, we’ll have a good time again

Watch out for the entire security campaign, which has improved this fraglos deutlich, said the Taliban on August 15, 2021, the democratically elected government of President Ashraf Ghani has been steered and the power in Kabul and its ghettos has been seized. The number of victims, attacks and Überfälle are massive backfires. In the year 2022, the experiences in the country have not remained in the wars for so long since 2004.

Most Afghan and Afghan women are relatively on the move in the streets and on the move in the city. The country trip has started in Germany since 2021. Most Strassensperren, the police and the army under the other direction in the camp, ​​have established the Taliban, which are shifting. The Gefahr of Anschlägen, Entführungen and Sprengfallen are strongly sunk, the gefährlichste Rebel group is self-confident and der Macht ist.

After the war in Afghanistan between 2018 and 2021 the world’s most bloody conflict was a war, the number of victims was played after the Taliban’s victory. According to the Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), the year in which the wars in the entire world reached the war in 2021 in the final phase with 36,386 dead at a high level. Years ago I followed the researcher at Uppsala University only 1568 dead. Number field from 2023 at 342.

The head of the Taliban is the current leader of ISIS

After the fall of Kabul, the broader position becomes larger. Before everyone in the Panjshir Valley merges with the controlled government into the National Resistance Front (NRF). The Taliban’s anger has disappeared, but the regime in the summer of 2022 begins a brutal offensive in the broader region of Panjshir Valley. Thousands of prisoners were brought to trial outside. The NRF and the ähnliche Gruppen are in the underground. It is always the case that the NRF has no regular fear.

The head of the Taliban is the leader of the Islamic State Khorasan Province (IS-K). The radical Salafist group will be active and active in the global terrorist organization IS. In the fall of Kabul, a number of insurgent IS fighters were released. IS-K also helped to defend itself against unruly Taliban fighters. The group sees the Taliban as a terrorist. The Taliban keep IS busy with religious extremists.

On August 15, the Taliban died in the Strassen of Kabul. August died in the Hauptstadt for three years.

On August 15, the Taliban died in the Strassen of Kabul. August died in the Hauptstadt for three years.

Siddiqullah Alizai / AP

From 2021 onwards, the IS-K has Verübt Dutzende Anschläge op de Taliban, aber auf Moscheen und Schulen der schiitischen Minderheit. There were hundreds of people who were welcomed. The Taliban are growing in size with larger numbers in the Gruppe. The Human Rights Watch message was published in August 2021 and April 2022 in the eastern province of Nangarhar in a channel of 100 different IS-Kämpfern funds.

The Taliban know the fight in their life without Grace. In Dörfern and Vierteln, if a woman performs the IS-K or the NRF verification, this is preceded by nightly raids. Let the water come out of one of the Collective punishments. Prisoners were routinely tortured, there were hidden traces. Often it is unaffordable, the fair compensation is not possible. The dumbfounded Leichen mutagenic opponents were removed to Abschreckung and public places.

Hunderte frühere Regierungsmitarbeiter wurden ermordet

The large mass of the population concerns the fight only on the edge. The Taliban forces are not active in any of the two groups that are active: the Hunderttausenden of the Army, the Police and the Administration. After their seizure of power, the Taliban obtained a general amnesty for all measures of the previous government. This prevention is not possible, the Hunderte Officers, Officers and Judges are ordered to be led away, seized and ordered to be arrested.

All in the three months since the fall of Kabul, Human Rights Watch documented in a report about the targeted warning of 47 years from the Security Forces in Ghazi, Kandahar, Helmand and Kunduz provinces. They were from the Taliban festivities or how they could behave. If we get a warning, because we know that the Taliban has registered, it is an amnesty that makes a profit.

The Taliban regime fought, evil politicians, military and officials ways to enrich their weapons. It is a question of how the Amnesty has protected itself. Dennoch joins the Uno-Mission for Afghanistan (Unama) and is also not regularly busy with the random festivities and ermordung of former members of the government and security forces. Partly has fallen by personal attacks on the Taliban, which have been hit mainly by the Taliban.

The human rights law has deteriorated significantly

Make sure that the entire security under the Taliban is broken, so make sure that the low human rights are worsened. I am more Leidtragenden than the woman and woman in the country. The Taliban have pronounced their power over their lives and their ideas, the prosperity and the power have ended grimly. As the country of the World Afghanistan today refuses girls and women the entry to secondary schools and universities. Active activities on gender apartheid.

If you have praised the Weltbank of the previous generation of the Mädchen, while the Primary School is like that, then the Sicherheitslage and the higher Acquisition debts in strengthening Muslims of 36 to 60 percent are high. With the debt of robbery that primary teacher and have women dare not work anymore. The UNO and international welfare organizations ensure that women are no longer concerned with their own affairs. If you have a problem, this is the case.

In fell Bereichen gilded Geschlechtertrennung. Beauty salons are closed, and they can also visit their fitness centres, parks and baths. Ihr Zugang zu Spitälern und zu Verhütung wurde erschwert. Frauen dürfen grundsätzlich nur noch mit Schleier auf de Strasse en nur in Begleitung eines manlichen Vormunds reisen. The moral police’s leadership has been strict over time. Bei Verstössen droht Festnahme of Mishandlung.

Women dare to move on to the road. Viele öffentliche Bereiche since Ihnen ganz wehrt.

Women dare to move on to the road. Viele öffentliche Bereiche since Ihnen ganz wehrt.

Qudratullah Razwan / EPA

The British NGO Afghan Witness zählte zählte zwischen January 2022 and June 2024 insgesamt 422 Gewalttaten gegen Frauen and Mädchen, while the Taliban-Mitglieder nachweislich were involved.

Bei Vergehen drhen Stockschläge or Steinigung

The Taliban have had a strict control over the fight against the forces of the judiciary. Playing music, smoking water arrows and human education in media and recruitment are forbidden as unislamic. In case of diebstahl, ehebruch or homosexual Beziehungen, body punishments are suspended with stockschläge or stone formation. Men, who never ended up in the Moschee, will have punished Bart’s tragedies or “western” hairdos. If you want more information, this is a handy way to correct.

Freedom of Opinion, Assembly and Religion no longer exist under the Taliban. If you protest against the Strassen, you are working with greater passion. In the first years after the fall of Kabul, more than half of the Fernsehsender and the Zeitungen were closed, two thirds of all journalists lost their jobs. Political parties were banned, individual Islamist formations, and those with their associated media, were closed.

Hundreds of Afghans and Afghans were left behind after 2021, and there will be new destinations. Power is rare, the Taliban’s power is stark. The West establishes the Hilfen and the State and reduces their Zahlungen and Hilfsorganisations. Das Bruttoinlandprodukt (BIP) only went to 20.7 Prozent zurück in 2021, 2022 field is a weitere 6.2 Prozent. Seither stagniers die Wirtschaft.

The Wirtschaftslage bleibt düster

The ban on the Opiummanbaus in April 2022 has touched a small heart. A camp of the Taliban with the Zerstörung of Mohnfeldern führte in the Province of Badakhshan in the Frühjahr zu Prostenen, die gewalt aufgelöst wurden. Longevity and the following climbing hiking trails are intended to purchase the landwirtschaft. Since 2021, a Verbesserung der Versorgungslage has led to a Drittel der Bevölkerung and akuter Ernährungsunsicherheit.

Every second Afghan lives in poverty today. The removal of 600,000 Afghan refugees from Pakistan since September 2023 and the deportation of hundreds of thousands more from Iran, which additionally burdens the economy in Afghanistan and increases the loss of work. The views are dark. The Taliban regime has continued the state of the World Bank, the reserves of the Central Bank are active in Switzerland, and most foreign investments or a collaboration with the regime.

Halving the Afghans is the best in the Hilfsleistungen. A Drittel leads a professional Ernährungssicherheit.

Halving the Afghans is the best in the Hilfsleistungen. A Drittel leads a professional Ernährungssicherheit.

Sayed Hassib / Reuters

It cannot be that the Hundred Year Old Afghan and Afghan Afghans fly their homeland. The number of women who seek their happiness in exile has grim consequences since 2021. The main sources in Iran, Pakistan and the Turks see the flight as an assault and deportation to Afghanistan. Iran has no right of asylum, but the Turkish government bonds are now a fact.

Germany, Switzerland and other western states became their own answer to the fragments found in Afghanistan, as funny as it is, a dorthin fell out. Politically persecuted, enjoy asylum and are then protected from extinction. Migrants have never had a problem, but it is a personal persecution, days only conditional protection. Dennoch is a schizophrenic fragment, which is concerned with the destruction of women’s rights and legitimate matters such as asylum seekers in Afghanistan.