
„Would you dare to increase the costs of your guests?“

„Would you dare to increase the costs of your guests?“

Reader’s letter to “Achtsamkeitsteller comes from the Tisch”, 20. 8., “Der Gast muss immer König sein”, 20. 8.

I read the comments about the “King’s”. Whoever can see it, can read all the message statutes and landläufige messages. There was no one who wanted it, and it was the only one who Hubert Wallner, who was aware of a good guideline, could assume that one of the following things would be done: Dear guest, where, bitte schön, would in no time rush, that the wages, energy and living and insurance costs that you can pay? Everything is possible, but for Betriebe, not only in Privaten. The costs for the delivery (die sunn- and feiertags, spätabends and in der Hochsaison, wo alle Urlaub machen, im Dauereinsatz sind!) have risen so much.

Which gastronomes/hoteliers want to receive a prize for their fare in the form of gestigenes? Yes, where do we come to that? The Schnitzel has become so popular that it takes many years, and the Hotelzimmer and the Kaffee, it is so beautiful that everything in the House has become so teuer! If you have found a Starkoch and your great experience, it is an honor to have made a Drittel.

I must not say more about that. Every intelligent, mathematically basic educated and versatile guest must follow in his old age, dem zu. If it is really necessary, in a nice bar or a drink, in a local area, it will not be that those beds are served. If the man does not want more, the guest is a king… Eva Gölles, Villach

More reading letters on this topic

Inventive Heads

When you are in Essen, guest-friendly Carinthians are not going to be scrubbed. Anyway, it is an international activity. For the two people, a learner will be there, who will enjoy their wonderful experience. Vielfach hat one of the guests is a salad or a suppe gewählt. Half of the Schweinsschnitzels, or other other, wars are Draufgabe. Enjoy yourselves, especially with your conscious guests. Schließlich lockt yes veldleicht nor a Nachspeise? Everything war can be wonderful. And yes: Eight Euro for a leather counter! This is your comment.

The idea, the idea that it is there, finds large amounts: a set of salad or soup an eight-sample counter anzubieten. Where eight sogar for the price stead. This is the Lossung für Gäste and the Gastronomy. It is an interesting story, but it is not clear that this counter will be good. If the time of the money selling in the time of the time lies for eight euros on the counter. Finally, a learning counter will cost eight euros again. Or there comes a discovery from Kopf. Anton Fritzer, Fields

She sells better

Since the last semesters it can no longer be that it is essential to enjoy and enjoy your speisen. Seniorenteller gibt es kaum. Of course it is so that Abzock does not suffer from it, but it is no longer so.

If you have a local beispielhafte, you can save a friend a few costs. Dafür gibt’s entsprechend Trinkgeld. Solche Local solutions can be marketed together as a whole. Mag. Renate and Dr. Eberhard Kohlmayr, Villach

No Happy Ending

The Räuberteiler, a happy ending. Man said, a negatives are verbreite sich one of the three most diverse things, as a positives. The description of the lightgeschwimmigkeit takes long by the Räuberteller-allerdings by a full of the Reality entremdete Gruppe von Gastronomen and Touristikern, the Handkes Publikumsbeschimpfung is full of misunderstandings hat. It is important to know that the Hybris is one of the best guests for making a cup of coffee. The man is not white.

If a man from Gast anno 2024 rechnen, les en artikuliert speaks out, it is guest, the only Grund dafür, where a Lokal can exist at all. We also discussed our own existing foundation as schmählich, if it is not strange, if there is a timetable for the next Räuberteller sitzt.
Klaus Schauer, Klagenfurt

Why not 10 euros?

If it was no longer possible, then it may be that the sale is not scoffed at, but it is a matter of more money than my budget, that has not been saved and my money is not being spent.

PS: Anyone who doesn’t have a Euro for a temporary counter can still pay the Wirt half a year ago as a second court and lose money. Siegfried Rauch, Graz

Estimated guests

The residents of the local population have a government policy in a Fernseh interview among other arguments, which cost 100 euros for the guest. Have you ever thought that the industry you are looking for, “zum Überleben” will be on the solche methods for zurückgreifen muss?

Many gastronomes treasure the guest, even if it is a goal to do so. Linda Brieger, Klagenfurt

It’s generally a passion

Nur in der Gastronomie (en nur in Österreich, Kroatische Tourismusdestinationen z. B. sind diesbezüglich noch dreister), onder de Großteil der Dienstleistungsbereiche herrscht een eklatante Abzockerei met dem Feigenblatt von gestiegenen Kosten en dem unseligen Wirtschaftsphänomen, wonach de Nachfrage die Preise steigen lä sst . Your passion is a service industry with awards from Gut and Böse, and in the Construction and Installation industries. The costs for renovation of Hausteilen were therefore appreciated by their years and a whole Rohbau. Dasselbemerkt man at Gebrauchtwagen.

It won’t be long before a management fee is made for the “poor” of the secret KMU, while part of his trip (and not even in large quantities) makes a lot of profit on the costs of his secret trip, which my dear Wahl has had. Adrian Kert, Ferlach

For the Curtain

Frühstücksbar in a hotel in Klagenfurt: For four people, order my boyfriend or girlfriend and bat for a casual meal with a nice Gedeck. Although it is rainy, we were free and drank a Tisch mit Tischtuch and Blumen vorbereitet. You can buy four glass products – and everything you need is free and free! Bitte, solche Beispiele vor den Vorhang, die es namlich in Kärnten!
Ulrike Frisch, Klagenfurt