
Iranian cyber criminals are aware of their political personalities: Meta description of WhatsApp profile

Iranian cyber criminals are aware of their political personalities: Meta description of WhatsApp profile

The intelligence service of the Iranian Hacker Group APT42 has high positions in the political and diplomatic environment, where others with the administrations of US Presidents Joe Biden and Donald Trump gain more visibility.

One of the things this hacker group is doing is cyber attacking politicians, diplomats and military personnel who are personally waging war, Microsoft and Google technology have reported this.

There are many Security considerations for the US-Wahl enthüllte Meta Details about these schädlichen Aktivitäten and the following Criminal Follow-up Behörden and the Kampagnen-Teams that the Republicans as the Democrats consider for the Präsidentschaftswahl in November.

The soul of the Hackergruppe lies with people who are involved in politics and diplomacy, punish the different sector. Other technology entrepreneurs have reported their cyber attacks by APT42.

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