
Lehrlinge nutzen vermehrt Auslandspraktika –

Lehrlinge nutzen vermehrt Auslandspraktika –


For schoolchildren or students, the Auslands-Praktika takes longer to develop self-sufficiency. Jetzt nutzen auch Tiroler Lehrlinge vermehrt die Möglichkeit an ‘Lehrlingspraktikums’ in another country. Rund 100 since the start of the World Cup Tyrol years.

In many European countries and around the world, the Tyrolean Lehrlinge Mittlerweile is an Australian practice in the Zuge des Internationale Fachkräfteaustauschs (IFA). I am strongly interested in the industry, tourism, the company that carries out the craft activities, erklärt David Narr, Fachkräfteoordinator of the Tiroler Wirtschaftskammer.

“The soul is an Auslandsaufenthalts für den Lehrling, that is to know a different image and new working methods. It is true that the language is spoken, that is business English, that is completely different, that is the reason why it is not a matter of course.” If you want to know something, you must carry out the management and production or verify it and contact your knüpfen. With this know-how, factory work is continued in our own Betriebe. “The end of the day, we are a man with a native American commitment to working independently of one another,” so Narr.

Lehrzeit was not spared

The Auslandsaufenthalt is normally a normal duration, the Lehrlinge is a social refreshment and corresponds to your Gehalt. Additionally give an Erasmus funding, the costs for the trip, travel and speaking courses. The Lehrlingsgehalt becomes larger. The companies receive the additional paid Gehalt from the Bund back.

In times of professional skill it has never been so light, on a lesson for the time of foreign practice to view, says Narr. If you see more Tyrolean involvement, then your money will go to the ground in that back of your head.