
Wagenknecht will demand higher prices on the Autobahnen vorgehen — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

Wagenknecht will demand higher prices on the Autobahnen vorgehen — Extremnews — Die etwas others Nachrichten

BSW-Gründerin Sahra Wagenknecht has made an arrangement for the Bundes to increase the price on the highway. “The Abzocke und deutschen Autobahnen is not nur in de Summerferien ein teures Ärgernis”, says Wagenknecht about the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe.

Preisunterschiede of fast 40 Cent for a Liter Sprit and überteuerte Essens and Toilettenpreise they are not entitled to, so the BSW-Politiekerin later. Here is a monopolist and an American anticipation. “The fact that neither the Kartellbehörden nor the Federal Government are responsible for an end is inaccessible,” Wagenknecht continues. Autofahrer no longer takes on Autobahnraststätten abkassiert were.

The rest stop operator tank and rest are on the transmission of a single monopoly position back. I am core-owned man “in intensive competition with a large number of system services near the motorway”, here it is. If you press on the price, you must be an independent franchise partner who “uses different rates than other motorway timetables”. So if the rest stops in most cases fall outside the borders of the world, the motorway will be a Fahrtrichtung befahren.

The Verbraucherschutz verantwortliche Umweltministerium said it was alarming. “Gerade in der Urlaubszeit sich vähle Menschen über hohe Sprit- en Lebensmittelpreise and the Autobahnraststätten”, said a speaker of the sister Minister Steffi Lemke (Grüne). “We take into account the considerations regarding the price of the motor vehicle with seriousness.”

Tank and Rast were state-owned until 1998, then became private. They are former tank and race investors from Abu Dhabi and Canada who own an Allianz-Tochter and Munich Re. If you are a business owner who maintains the business of the Bund das Recht, you will be informed of the arrangements. If you are one of the next Konzessions absgabe, it is one of the other things you can do.

Quelle: dts Nachrichtenagentur