
Dagmar Koller was 85: The moving life of the Grande Dame

Dagmar Koller was 85: The moving life of the Grande Dame

Sängerin, Tänzerin, Schauspielerin – everything at Austria’s new Grande Dame and Stil-Ikone. Am Montag, August 26, Dagmar Kollers is 85. Geburtstag. A tribute to an unvergleichliche.

“There is no option,” said I, who knows – and loves – who I am. Even if the man Dagmar Koller would not be in a Rollstuhl, he would not be in the Austrian Bühnen-Diva und Stil-Ikone with a top-to-bottom neck bruch due to his own eyes. think of Ecke des Lebens he sits in the würde and his sleep in the Schicksal ergibt. I am not dying Grace Kelly…”.

Lebensfreude und Neugier auch im hohen Alter

The feeling of “Dagi”, who is loved by the Witwe von Wiens Altbürgermeister Helmut Zilk († 2008) who enjoys life, enjoys the joy of life and pleasure. “I love my young man – I always remember my own life,” said this in my last years in MADONNA-Interview, about the Jubiläum, the Dagmar Koller at the Montag, 26. August, begeht.

Dagmar Koller’s Jungbrunnen Mystery

Bühnenerfolge feierte Dagmar Koller etwa in “Der Mann von La Mancha”.

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Bühnenerfolge feierte Dagmar Koller etwa in

An ihrem 85. Geburtstag would like to see how the Schauspielerin, Zangerin and Autorin appear in the interview with the German “Bild” in May. “I have lived my life for a long time. View the height of the training heute.” Tomorrow the training as a youth player will take place in the middle of time. In his traumatic life, the Dachgeschoß-Wohnung in the Wiener Innenstadt – or a Swiss holiday in the Portuguese Algarve – ‘gleich nach dem Stehen drhehe ich die Musik und tanze los. That’s my power,” he said.

Your great love

With Helmut Zilk (here in Portugal) war since 30 years verheirat – until the Altbürgermeister 2008 verstarb.

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With Helmut Zilk (here in Portugal) war since 30 years verheirat - until the Altbürgermeister 2008 verstarb.

Schmerzhaft bleibt für Dagmar Koller said that it was so, „that I see Helmuts Tod eigentlich alone bin. I have found a friend and still wieder menschen um me, apart from that big lie, my Helmut and my side, I never miss nor jeden Tag.” Die Erinnerungen und de schönsten Zeiten mit ihrem Ehemann, der nach een Bombenanschlag in Jahr 1993, de Koller hautnah miterlebte, gezeichnet war, trieben Koller auch vermehrt nach Portugal. “In my home I remember my shop as a wonderful experience”, so Koller about the Traumhaus am Meer, which was a great couple – as a politician in the house, Koller went to work on the leadership of the stage, film and television – in the future Kraft refuel immediately.

Kraft, the gebürtige Karntnerin, the Größen with Curd Jürgens and Elizabeth Taylor together with each other, even after their Unfall benötigt. Ihren 85. Geburtstag dürfte Koller zurückzoet verringen – bis zu Redaktionsschluss war die sonst so medienfreundliche Grande Dame nicht erreichbar. If this is how you spend your anniversary, if you have the biggest hat – a few tasks that are carried out with your unissued Strahlen in plain sight.