
Störche in Krefeld: It’s a small wonder – home

Störche in Krefeld: It’s a small wonder – home

High concentration Alexander Kirch directs in the garden of the Hubsteigers to the top. Centimeter by centimeter lies on the 40-year age of the large Storchennest in Seinem Garten. It is not the best time to cook. Another last Mal the basket out and then Kirch can reach his end by seeing the following: Blaui and Pauli. Die both Jungstorche, die in the Horst in the garden live, lie completely quiet in your Horst and position yourself until, when you become whiter. Then Kirch and his companion, bird expert Michael Jögbes, want to put a small Markierungsring in the leg of a Jungstorches. After we have laid our hands on the Ring and have led the Hubsteiger along the direction of the Boden.

Here in Krefeld, a Storchen family is a small miracle. Before we have had two years to drop the Hinweise on a full-fledged dump in the city. Since then, the birds have been present, the Weißstorch stand in the entire North Rhine-Westphalia region for the Aussterben. In 1991 there were no three Weißstorchenpaare here. Intensive Landwirtschaft, Gifteinsatz and more than Überlandleitungen schnitten grim in de Lebensräume der Großvögel ein. So grim, if you don’t have a chance, you’ll never die. If this happens, it will be in the wintering areas of the Weißstörche in West and Northwest Africa as we head to Nahrung. Then came the turn of the year.

Please take care of this after 35 years

In the 1990s, the conservation organization inspired a farmer and a conservation organization to provide livelihoods and new protections. “The Weißstorch can not be a Nistplatz problem. Distinctive are Nahrungsflächen. There are small water and moisture areas, a find that you can find. When you can no longer make the next step, you can take the bruterfolg out of the closet“, explains Michael Jögbes of the Nordrhein-Westfälischen Ornitholooggesellschaft. After 35 years more intensive Bemühungen ist der 65-Jährige stolz darauf, wie gut es dem Storch mittlerweile wieder: “I’m happy with it, that’s what happened in the first year of 800 Brutpaare in North Rhine-Westphalia is born. It is so that it is not so.

Bird interest can spoil the age of the border with the Rheinschiene von Duisburg Walsum from its border area in the Netherlands.

With the ring number a Storchenleben-verfollowen

Snoozing males in the bird’s eye view of ornithology through all of NRW, a big disturbance with rings in their verse. So who here in the garden at Familie Kirch in Krefeld. “It’s totally exciting. The ring number can cause a rufen en seine Sichtung at the Vogelwarte in Helgoland. Damit could follow all of Störchen’s biographies and follow his life path“, said Kirch, after it was a party under the hat.

Aus belächelter Idee wurde Storchen-Nachbarschaft

The Kirch family, with the Storchennachwuchs Pauli and Blaui, who are no longer courted, will start their Horst directly in the future. “The idea is that it will take longer, when we have all the bells, we will not bother here for so long. If you then know that the Horst is busy for a while, you can deal a little better and better with a purchase that you can make“, erzählt Kirch. There is no Horst whatsoever Web camera installed, um live if you want the nachwuchs to schlüpft.

The Storchenpaar in Kirchs Garten is a wonderful couple in Krefeld. The family’s lineage extends beyond Nachbarn. “Sit here on the terrace and see who comes next“, says Kirch.

Was there more known: Die Zeit für Pauli and Blaui in Hotel Mama and Papa have started. Mitte August can both stay young, lead a life and end up in the small world of his machen. Wer weiß, maybe it is a Tages wieder back to Krefeld.

This theme appeared on the WDR Fernsehen message set on 01.07.2024: Local time Düsseldorf7:30 p.m.