
New energy tanks for the Pflegealltag

New energy tanks for the Pflegealltag

LINZ/WINDISCHGARSTEN. The Caritas starts from October 6 to 11 for a festive premiere at Hotel Lavendel in Windischgarsten. “Gerade für Menschen, die zu Hause Angehörige – often schon jahrelang – is wichig, but also aus dem Alltag auszusteigen. That is new energy, both profitable, the trusting person and the caring person,” so Sonja Zauner, Leader of the Caritas-Servicestelle für pflegende Angehörige in OÖ.

If you consider that the tags for your personal care and care beds have been adjusted, more personal beds can be set up. “On the day, the body and soul are released”, says Sonja Zauner from the Caritas Service Center for caring residents. You are a representative of the people of Linz and Linz-Land and you will receive free consultations when you no longer know that you can do your concentrations and eight weeks later.

If the caritas-erholungsstage influences the atmosphere of Hotel Lavendel, the strength of the schöpfen, and other gratitude for coming and the lightness of the lifestyle of the spüren. “Der Urlaub soll auch Energiequelle für die Zeit danach sein”, says Sonja Zauner. Caritas-mitarbeiterinnen nevertheless provide a thematically appropriate Begleitung and. You will hear shared wanderings, great conversational moments, joyful singing, singing and more. The Urlauber can itself be separated, and a welchen Angeboten are teilnehmen wollen.

Urlaubszuschuss ab Pflegestufe 3

For the Erholungssurlaub a travel allowance for the hotel costs of up to 266.08 Euro for Land OÖ is possible – for the teilnehmende, the home of an Angehörigen with Pflegestufe 3 or more pflegen. Der Zuschuss is the formula of the product under “Finanzielles und Rechtliches” of the beans.

The hotel costs for the Aufenthalt are 570 Euro per person including Frühstücksbuffet, Nachmittagsjause and a 4-course Wahlmenü am Abend. The one-time costs for organization and guidance incl. more diverse material from 80 Euro.