
15 Dinge in de USA, die bei Deutschen für Erstaunen sorgen

15 Dinge in de USA, die bei Deutschen für Erstaunen sorgen

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15 Dinge in de USA, die bei Deutschen für Erstaunen sorgen
15 kuriose Dinge in de USA, die at Deutschen für Kopfschütteln sorgen © IMAGO / Depositphotos

A German is confused and overwältigt of the cultural world. Here since 15 years, it happened and the thinking is transferred.

The US is a country of contrasts and this Vielfalt no longer means anything in the country, among the everyday life. A German has shared his end goal on X (Twitter) and firmly states that I experience things much differently – often bigger, brighter and more intense than in his homeland. These experiences are a new light on the world of both continents and the loading of one, the own cultural values ​​that you can think of. The complete Tweet here via

1. Money is not a taboo

In the US with money without a scheme, unlike in Germany, financial themes are often used as private funds. These transgressions can be hereditary, heißt es. If people appeal to their work over time, it is a way to spend money on companies. If you find these themes interesting yourself, you will come across a number of things that have a longer history.

2. Escaped from fast food

The advance to American Fast Food would succeed the fastest. In addition to the Erwartungen and the Fast-Food-Kette “In-N-Out Burger” were the basis of their online-biertungen. However the real war turns out: The Pommes schmeckten craze and the gesamterlebnis war is under the war. It has been said that the hype is never a judicial court, a local favorite is not an international geschmack meeting. Der X-User was a 2/10 vertelen.

3. “How are you?” – A Learning Floskel

In the US, ‘How are you?’ is a larger group, which is often used. For a German, because of the distributed situation, this Floskel can be overflächlich and unintentional. It is an American issue that is a strange ritual, while more social interests can increase the real interest, when they themselves get a chance to undermine the vulnerability.

4. Americans are lazy

The Lautstärke, with the American language, is often for the Deutsche überraschend. Spoken, in Germany is cooked and thought, cooking in the US is heated up and made energetic. Those higher kitchen prices, such as in restaurants, in the street or in the catering industry, can provide for someone, a nice way of communicating is, as soon as possible.

5. Drink money: a complete system

The Trinkgeld system in the US is often confusing and impractical for Germany. In the price that is set on the receipts, it is possible that 18 to 20% Trinkgeld is earned. Furthermore, it is irritating for the haltung, even with minimal service with a Kaffee Trinkgeld that is earned. This system, which is part of the American culture, can quickly be carried out by the Missverständnissen. You can read more here: Pflicht voor hoogprijzengeld: Kommt de “Tipflation” uit de VS bald or something?

6. Customer service on a different level

Customer service in the United States is offended by brand names and friendships, was the best way to make money and put the strong blame on the debts of the consumer. Services are often put on the note, a problem that can be solved. This friendliness and helplessness company of the X-User as an agreeable difference to the oft zurücklichkeit and hilfsbereitschaft company of the X-User as an agreeable difference to the oft zurücklingertenderen Serviceerfahrungen in Deutschland.

7. The American trauma continues

All the re-examinations, the hat made by the power of the country, are the shine and the American trauma that has arisen. Man is innovative and gets to work, the world of his verätchangen. Discussions about Start-ups and fast-growing ideas are after one of the day’s ordinances. The optimism and the Will, taking risks, achieving a great soul, can inspire and differ grimly from the often enlightened German mentality.

8. Casinos: a shocking experience

The first time an American casino plays a game can be another advantage. It is fascinating, the different world of slot machines and the people, who fall into a trap, are unanswered. The war is a fact, who sees many people in those enormous losers, with the steadfast rauchen and the one-sided lust for money. These experiences are common in a culture, but the clear game is geprägt.

9. Attack on the conversation

American brands will find themselves concerned with expressing their own Fremden. This Bereitschaft, which is concerned with communication, can be seen as an überwältigend signal by a German company. This culture, which enables social interaction and takes place in normal life, was a very personal issue in Germany, but was often uninterested in Germany.

10. Everything is bigger

The Größe von Getränken, Autos en Portionen in de US write the X-User as überwältigend. A “small” order in the US is often quickly twice as big in Germany and plated for the portions in restaurants. This culture of the bergröße mirrors that the American form for full and large is larger. That is the case, for your baskets from a country, the smaller and more modest maße is gewohnt, overloaded.

11. Skill in the extreme

It is a heavyweight man in the American war for the X-user that is shocking. At the same time, there are also fit people. This extreme disk repanz in the management of health care and the management of the economy can be carried out in the right way in the lifestyle and priorities, that exist in the existing American business. It is the Land of Extreme.

12. Healthy Essence is tender

Such options in the US are certainly an option when it comes to money and money. In Europe it is often the case that Lebensmittel often makes a light find, while in the US the fall appears in the fall. That power is great, a balanced Lebensstil-lawsuit, without in the bag Greifen to must and unterstreicht the Herausvorerungen, which are connected with the Ernährung in America.

13. Standing lights

The 24/7 lighting in the American war can take place differently in the representation of the energy-efficient energy in Germany. The standard brightness can be a problem of a home and an unannounced purchase, it was a question of a certain degree that could cause an excess. This light current, which lives in the city as in the Vororten, is one of the most influential American sources for comfort and refreshment.

14. Status symbols everywhere

The status symbols of luxury cars, the war of designers and designers in the US are also tried out in Germany, with the X-user. This visible demonstration of the Reichstum mirrors the bedeutung wider, the American financial institutions and material Gütern become wider. For someone in Germany, where many symbolic symbols were discussed, the war may have fallen out of the sky, but the war died out a little.

15. The Risk Geist of the American

The preparation, taking risks, achieving a great soul, is deeply distorted in the US. This mentality, which may appear on the country’s horizon as an air sorting for the adventurer and a wandering destination, still performs today in the trade of many Americans. This risk-reducing enterprise, which often works with such innovations and innovations, is a strong development of the previous haltung, which has received a great impetus in Germany.

These 15 observations are a bit fascinated in the cultural world, a German on a trip to the US is erlebte. If you see that the lives of both change, it may be that the Atlantic Ocean crosses and that a solution is found. More about the topic – Lidl in the US: This difference between German branches is given.