
This can happen if you use the Fluggäset bestimmte Ansprüche geltend machen

This can happen if you use the Fluggäset bestimmte Ansprüche geltend machen

The young Sturmtief über Mallorca hat for more versatility and more Cancellations on the plane taken care of. An unforgettable trip should never be missed at the Palma Airport. Viele Passagere is a fierce criticism of the Krisenmanagement of the Fluggesellschaften. I am connected to the European Verbraucherzentrum Deutschland (EVZ) where there is now no clarity about the Straight Passenger at Unwetter & Co.

“It is perfectly fair, but the principles of a flight cannot be reconciled. Versorgungs- und Betreuungsleisten “Passengers who have long been unable to travel can request this without any obligation,” says lawyer Sabine Blanke of the EVZ. Articles 8 and 9 of the EU Flight Ticket Regulation govern the application for transfer or other support as well as the application for operational benefits. Article 8 Eight passengers have been transferred to a flight of more than the costs of a cancellation or cancellation of a whistle that is sufficient for the flight costs for no travel company, so that you can get an overview of the best travel modalities of the flight apparently was acquired. Alternative to traveling with a variant of a different type of trip. Article 9 It is customary that the flights and airport accommodations, among other things, from departure times and refreshments, a hotel accommodation at Flügen, are postponed to the following day, so that the management of the airport and the place of accommodation. Use the beds of persons with a simple mobility solution for children at the hinge points here.

“In the event of a storm, you must claim no compensation for your flight”, so Blanke. These are included in Article 7 of the EU Flight Ticket Regulation: I have fallen from a non-flight trip or a trip has been cancelled Answer to question about damage the flight company’s dues. The compensation is based on the flight distance and a range of 250 euros to a maximum of 600 euros. If there is a flight line that sheds light on the compensation payments partly or completely free, “otherwise normal circumstances” must be taken into account. So the white honor, for the air traffic control no responsibility delay. It is possible that a storm occurs in the fall of Mallorca, a moment of political instability, a volcanic bridge or a forest fire. If you want to know the delayed airline, all you have to do is turn the flight around.

Important: The Support Performance from article 9 come at the time of delays first a wartime of at least two hours to slow down. The light of the air force on the long term of the Mahlzeiten and the gilded heritage at Flugannullierungen and jene, Passengers in a hotel, undertakes and spreads over the new flight, which follows a cancellation after the next day. In fact Fall is a good idea, with the Fluggastrechten trusted to make. Sabine Blanke, from the European Consumer Center Germany, dies during her travel beginning in this period.

If the Fluggast itself is a treatise or an overnight stay, the growth of a Connection or a formed Fluge has not yet become so, the empfiehlt is so, that the stopper stops. So if you have less trouble, the cost of your purchase is lower. Letzt letzt sei auf Reiserücktrittsversicherungen brand collaboration: it is more flexible to go and finance for the protection of the excess.

More information: Europäisches Verbraucherzentrum Deutschland