
Lanxess Promotion: Kursgewinne trotz schwacher Chemical industry – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Lanxess Promotion: Kursgewinne trotz schwacher Chemical industry – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The Lanxess-Aktie could in the last weeks deutlich zulegen. With an activated value of 25.21 euros the paper of the special chemical group notes 20 percent of the 52-week-Tief, but it is still only 18 percent of the time. Moreover, it is positive that the price in the month ended with a Plus of 4 Percent.

Analysts see the potential opportunities

Proud of the young Kurserholung, analysts see neither air nor air above. It is expensive Cursor soul lies at 36.50 Euro and that is deutlich über dem currentuellen Level. If the growth of optimism continues, the costs will become increasingly higher. Everything is possible at Marktumfeld in the chemical industry.

Lanxess was able to use the employee to sink the Umsätze scaffolding. Management has achieved an EBITDA of 600 and 650 million euros. The vision of the active company with a KGV of 16 to 2025 may lead to experts finding the activity more attractive. At the same time, economic risks remain best.


Lanxess Action: Buy or sell?! New LanxessAnalyzeon 24. August loves Antwort:

The noses of Lanxess-Zahlen speak a clear language: Urgent Long-term interest for Lanxess-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? In the free analysis of August 24th it was time.

Lanxess: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information on the topic:

Lanxess AG

Current discussions on the theme:

Lanxess AG (23.08.24)
Bayer AG (23.08.24)
Inside: Lanxess (25.04.21)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Lanxess Action: Kursgewinne trotz. (11:12)
LANXESS: Millennium Leather Seller. (23.08.24)
LANXESS bleibt unter Beschuss v. (23.08.24)
LANXESS: Leather seller BlackRoc. (22.08.24)
LANXESS: Qube Research & Technology (21.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:

Lanxess AG